Modern au

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Muichiro was helping Genya study and yuichiro was just there. Muichiro was down and Genya got concerned of his friend. "Hey muichiro what's the matter with you?" . ".." "hey yuichiro what's the matter with bluefish(mui)today?" Genya asked yuichiro with a concerned face. "Today is Valentine's day right? You know that thing that mui made for tanjiro? Well he accidentally put it in the wrong locker.. " yuichiro said hiding a smile so he doesn't laugh(I feel so weird writing this because I've never done this before)" who's locker did he put it in? " genya raised a eyebrow as he watches yuichiro fight back laughter " inosukes" . Yuichiro had to walk outside and faint laughter was heard. Genya was holding back laughter and muichiro threw a book at his face. "IT'S NOT FUNNY! YUI.GENYA.STOP LAUGHING! " yuichiro peaked his head in the room" it's a little funny" mui hid his face in his arms" just confess to him! He obviously likes you back" muichiro looked up and raised a eyebrow" and how would you know that genya" genya had flashbacks to all the times tanjiro has talked about muichiro and how much he likes him. He gave muichiro a panicked smile so he doesn't tell on his friend and break a promise." I just know okay" muichiro hid his face in his arms again" he probably likes kanao. I've seen the way they look at each other..."
After a few minutes he actually started crying because of what he kept thinking and couldn't calm down(me too last night). Genya just sighed and awkwardly patted muichiros back while yuichiro hugged muichiro. Feeling bad for his brother. "You are... Just as dense as him.. I couldn't tell you this because tanjiro said he didn't want me to. But that man never shuts up about you. It gets to bad to the point where even zenitsu SNAPPED. And zenitsu never shuts up about nezuko " genya told muichiro but he just slapped him away as he cried." yuichiro I tried. " genya shrugged and furrowed his eyebrows. Not knowing how to calm his crying friend down." I know. Thank you for trying" yuichiro said as he hugged muichiro tighter and played with his hair a little to try to calm him down." I'mma go get tanjiro" genya said as he pointed to the door with his thumb." ohh good idea! " yuichiro said as he looked at genya. Muichiro looked up with wide eyes and yelled a little"NO DON'T PLEASE. " Causing both to look back at him.
" why not? " yuichiro asked confused." because he'll ask why I'm crying and if he knows then he'll probably hate me. " muichiro said. Choking on his words as he cried a little more. "..." "...genya put down the book" genya slowly put the book down and genya spoke up "he's worse then tanjiro". Yuichiro let go of muichiro for a minute to whisper in genyas ear. "Just go get tanjiro and I'll keep trying to calm mui down". Genya nodded and ran out the door to find tanjiro. Muichiro was still crying his eyes out and not showing any signs that he'll calm down. His breathing got uneven and yuichiro immediately tried to distract muichiro.
Meanwhile With genya.
Genya was running down the hall and spotted tanjiro. He didn't even care to explain or say anything he just grabbed his wrist and started running. Practically dragging tanjiro to where muichiro was. "Huh genya where are we goi-" tanjiro got cut off by genya "just shut up we are in a hurry" tanjiro shut up and got a little worried. Not knowing what's happening at all.
Once they got to the door genya busted the door open and threw tanjiro to muichiro. "MUICHIRO HERE." genya yelled andTanjiro tripped a little but noticed muichiro crying and hugged him. "Muichiro? What's wrong are you okay?! What happened" muichiro stared at tanjiro with wide eyes and slowly turned his head to genya and tried to jump to him and yelled "GENYA I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU I SAID DON'T GET HI-" muichiro didn't finish what he said because he started coughing from all the crying. Yuichiro trusted tanjiro and started walking to the door." let's go genya come on" yuichiro made a hand gesture for genya to hurry up." right behind you" genya said as he started walking to the door.
         With tanjiro and muichiro
Muichiro tried to follow them to supposedly beat the shit out of them but tanjiro hugged him tightly. Being worried for the slightly shorter crying Male(I almost type mail)
Muichiro soon gave in and hugged tanjiro tightly. Crying into his shoulder. Tanjiro soon made muichiro look at him and wiped his tears with a worried expression and held his(muichiros) face in his hands and tanjiro rested his forehead on muichiros and asked
"Whats wrong mui? Why are you crying?" muichiro choked on his tears a little" I can't tell you.." tanjiro furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he felt bad." why not? " tanjiro asked as he slowly started to run his fingers through muichiros hair in attempt to calm him down more. Muichiro thought for a second and sniffed and spoke "because you'd probably hate me" tanjiro frowned a little and spoke "what.? Mui I would never hate you! You mean the world to me" tanjiro started to gently rub muichiros back in circles. Muichiro tried to push him away but failed and spoke" you say that to everyone! " tanjiro pulled him into a hug again and spoke" no I don't.i only ever say things like that to you, to others I say how they are my closest friends. You''re different. " muichiro choked on his tears again and spoke." stop lying! I know your just trying to make me feel better....its not working..." tanjiro pulled muichiros hair back out of his face so tanjiro can look at muichiro clearly. Tanjiro spoke after a second" mui I'm not lying. You know that's impossible for me to do! Now please..tell me what's wrong, I hate having to see someone as wonderful. Kind, and beautiful as you cry" muichiro just tried to push him away but tanjiro just hugged him tighter. A few minutes pasted and they both haven't said anything. Tanjiro was hugging muichiro and rubbing circles on his back and muichiro was calming down slightly(MY BIRD KEEPS DISTRACTING ME) a few minutes later tanjiro quietly spoke up. "I got your valentines day gift... At first I thought inosuke was giving me one which surprised me but he seen your name on it and seen who it was actually for. I love it a lot." muichiro had gotten him a stuffed bear with black and Green checkers while it holds a mist cloud(see what I Did there😼) muichiro looked at him and tried to stop more tears from coming out and spoke" that means your gonna hate me.... Doesn't it...if you think it's just as friends... " tanjiro stayed quiet for a while and that made muichiro cry because he was scared.(me fr) he tried desperately to get out of tanjiros arms and muichiro spoke" see I knew you would......hate me.. " when muichiro pulled back a little he saw tanjiros face. Tanjiros face was a deep maroon red. Muichiro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and spoke" are you okay.? " tanjiro spoke after a minute with a question that was RATHER OBVIOUS." sorry if this seems sudden but...are you by any " muichiros eyes widened(bug eyed sorry) muichiro spoke up panicky" I.....yes...I'm sorry! I should just let go!... " muichiro tried to leave but tanjiro placed his hands around his(muis) waist(make this weird and I'll fr kill you) and pulled muichiro closer. Muichiro looked at him with puffy eyes from crying so hard." does that mean you like me too..? " tanjiro asked muichiro with a awkward look. Muichiro looked at him" what...? "  tanjiro looked panicked at muichiros answer and spoke again" I uhm...i've liked you for a few Years now... " at this point tanjiro was redder then my friends ass rash...tanjiro freaked out when muichiro didn't answer but instead started crying more. Tanjiro panicky yelled"i-im sorry! I thought you would feel the same! Aghhhhhh I'm so sorry muichiro! " muichiro just smiled at him and hugged tanjiro tightly leaving tanjiro shocked and confused." mui...? " they stayed like that for a couple minutes and didn't move. Muichiro was calmed down but still crying happy tears. Muichiro started to mumble something and tanjiro awkwardly spoke up
" mui your scaring me" muichiro looked at him and said "I'm scaring you...?" tanjiro put his hand on muichiros back and said "a little- you started crying more are you okay?" muichiro just smiled and kissed tanjiro on the cheek and hugged him, he was still crying a little ofc. Tanjiro on the other hand froze in place and as if It couldn't get anymore red. It did..tanjiro being tanjiro mumbled "do it again please.." muichiro looked at him confusingly and asked "what?" . Tanjiro wanted muichiro to kiss him on the cheek again but he saw that muichiro was confused so he grabbed muichiros face and kissed him on the forehead. Muichiro smiled and kissed tanjiro on the lips softly. Muichiro put their foreheads together and looked at tanjiro with a smile and said the words.
" I love you tanjiro"
Tanjiro smiled back and said "I love you too mui" 
they just hugged and after a minute tanjiro pulled away.
"Now what was the reason you were crying?" muichiro looked at him and spoke "oh that's not important"  but genya poked his head in the door and yelled "HE THOUGHT YOU WHERE INLOVE WITH KANAO" muichiro looked at him with wide eyes and screamed "GENYA? YOU MOTHERFUCKERS NEVER LEFT?"  yuichiro poked his head in "nope"
Muichiro yelled again "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YO-" tanjiro put his hand over muis mouth but....muichiro just licked his hand which made tanjiro take his hand off. Muichiro started cussing at genya and yuichiro. Genya yelled "HEY WE HELPE-" muichiro cut him off and said "SHUT THE FUCK U-" But muichiro got cut off by tanjiro "mui calm down" muichiro looked at him and simply said "no." tanjiros response to that was a big tight hug and muichiro was trying to get out of his arms and trying to bite muichiro(muichiro a cat confirmed) muichiro ended up biting tanjiro but he didn't let go but he did yell" OW ARE YOU A CAT NOW WHAT THE FUCK"
Yuichiro poked genya on the arm and whispered "let's go while mui is distracted so we don't end up Attached to a damned helicopter ready for takeoff.." genya whispered back "yeah that's a good ide- RUN HE GRABBED A FORK" they were both pushing eachother trying to get out the door fast. Tanjiro held muichiro tighter and yelled "RUN GENYA RUN YUICHIRO. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN" muichiro slowly turned his head looking at tanjiro shocked and yelled" YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE! " tanjiro just layed muichiro down and held him down and said" shhhh sleep mui... SLEEP... " tanjiro started rubbing muichiros head and he actually ended up falling asleep after a few minutes. Tanjiro smiled softly at muichiro sleeping and whispered" so cute" he leaned down and kissed muichiros forehead and continued to play with his hair. Not knowing what to do then it hit him... "Wait what do I do now do I bring him home or do I just wait until he wakes up..." yuichiro came in the room and spoke up "I'll get him don't worry tanjiro. Thank you for calming him down though..." tanjiro looked at him and smiled "it's no problem but I thought you ran?" yuichiro silently laughed then said
"I did. But I remembered it's my little brother. He won't really do anything to me. Genya though....he would definitely kill." tanjiro nodded In acknowledgement(that's a big word for Elmo) and asked" ohh. What do you think will happen when mui wakes up?" yuichiro furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a moment." probably cry because he'd think what happened is a dream. So your coming with me so he doesn't freak out again" tanjiro nodded and watched as yuichiro picked muichiro up on his back and started walking with tanjiro following behind him. After about 10 minutes of walking yuichiro made tanjiro carry muichiro because he said he didn't want to anymore. Tanjiro nodded and started carrying him. Once they got to the tokito house yuichiro showed tanjiro where muichiros bedroom was. Tanjiro set muichiro down and fell asleep.
In the morning yuichiro went in to check on them and smiled at what he saw.
Muichiro was cuddled up to tanjiro and tanjiro was hugging muichiro close.


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