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Ivy Marlene
📍Bronx, New York: 2020

Ivy sat on the stool tying up her jordan 4s "You fake as fuck for not getting me nun'

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Ivy sat on the stool tying up her jordan 4s "You fake as fuck for not getting me nun'." She watched her brother enter the kitchen with two hotdogs.

"I got you this one actually. But now since you being like that..."

Ivy stood up off the stool at a failed attempt to grab his food. "Get your lazy ass outside and buy one at the food truck." He laughed.

"I've been here for almost 4 months and you've never made me nothing." She shook her head.

"What are we doing for Winter break tho?" She asked.

"I'm not doin' nothing. Why?"

"I was thinking, why don't we visit London for 2 weeks!"

"Hell nah."

"Please! I'm getting homesick plus I never got to properly say bye to my friends there."

"Ain't nothin' out there for me. Who imma stay with? Mom?" He chuckled. "In fact who are you gonna stay with?"

"Shax is going stupid, you really think I'd go there just to stay with mum?"

"If she let's you go with her then ight. But I'm not."

Ivy gleefully smiled to herself, she'd been missing her hometown for the months she's been in New York yet she worried the only way she could visit was via her mother. Despite her homesickness, she'd built too many friendships to where she'd want to go back.

Being at home was no longer draining since her and her brother had began working on how they communicated and generally began respecting each other. On top of that she found herself growing closer to Kay day by day. Although he hadn't asked her out, he showed her off as if she were his and she spent almost all her free time with him. She could confidently say she'd reached a point where she was the happiest she bad been since before her dad's death.

"I gotta go. If I don't see that food truck I'm not coming back here!"

"And go where— don't even answer that just go." He stopped her before she could bring up Kay as usual.

The girl rolled her eyes stepping out the house, shivering at the sudden breeze that hit her. As she approached the food truck, her eyes lit up as she laid eyes on her two friends.

"I think you should hear— Wassup Ivy!" Kenzo enthusiastically greeted her.

"Hey!" She hugged Kenzo before turning to see Tey visibly bothered. "You good?"

"Fuck no, you know Ally still ain't paid the rest like she said she would?"

"Maybe there's a reason." Kenzo interjected.

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