Ch. 6 Whatcha Say

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“Seriously, Ivy. I’m worried about you,” she insists and I feel my eyes fill with tears. How does one go about telling your boyfriend’s mother who happens to be so close to you that she is practically like your own mother, that her son is a two-timing jerk?

“Don’t worry about me, Mads. I’m fine, honest,” I tell her and she gives me a look that says she clearly doesn’t believe me.

“Did Wes and you get into a fight or something?” she guesses and I flinch.

“Why would you think that?” I demand.

“Because he is acting just as weird as you. He will hardly talk to any of us and is moping around just as much as you,” she tells me and I set my mouth in a thin line. Ha! Like Wesley could possibly mope as much as me! I am the champion at moping, he doesn’t stand a chance.

“Yeah, we got into a fight, but I really, really don’t want to talk about it,” I say, giving her a half-truth.

“Is that why you were so late last night?”

“Yep. I was just mad and didn’t want to come back here in case he was here,” I mumble and she nods. There is no way I can tell her what he really did. She thinks he is practically some saint and I can’t tell her the truth. Mostly because I felt the exact same way about him until last night and now everything is tainted and ruined.

“Oh, Ivy. I’m sure you two will make up in no time. He loves you so much,” Mads assures me and I have the urge to burst into tears again. Yeah, he so loves me so much that he went and sucked the face off of some other girl! And who knows how far it would have gone if I didn’t walk in?

Thinking this causes something else to occur to me. What if this wasn’t the first time? What if he had been cheating on me all along and I never even knew? Suddenly I feel like I can’t breathe.

“Uh-huh,” I mutter around the pain in my chest.

“Why don’t you come downstairs to get something to eat?” she suggests and I shake my head violently at the thought of sitting around the table with Wesley right there, acting like nothing is wrong. I would rather die. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have gone that far, but can you blame me for being a little dramatic?

“No way! I refuse!” I declare and she sighs again.

“Fine, but I’m not bringing anything up here. If you want to eat then you are going to have to come downstairs,” she tells me and I shoot her my very best glare that I reserve for criminals and people that spit their gum on the ground for other people to step in. I mean, how rude!

“You are a very evil person and I don’t like you at all right now,” I tell her matter-of-factly and she smiles.

“You’ll forgive me later,” she replies before leaving the room.

If she really thinks I am going to give in and go down there then she is crazy. No food in the world is worth facing Wesley, no matter how hungry I get. I will eat my own hands before leaving this room! Okay, gross. On second thought I might just eat a pillow or something. I kind of need my hands. The point is that I refuse to leave this room!

Ten minutes later, I am so hungry that I am forced to give in and leave the room. Darn my need for food and Mads amazing manipulation skills. Everyone knows I can’t go long without eating, especially after the food has been denied to me. I just keep thinking about it until I can’t take it any longer and have to give in. Yes, my will power is really that weak.

I tiptoe quietly down the steps, hoping to avoid everyone. Maybe I can sneak in and out of the kitchen without anyone ever noticing! Too bad I have absolutely no sneaking abilities whatsoever.

Day and NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz