Stress Reliever. [Microknife]

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[♡] Microphone x Knife, implied Microphone x Knife x Pickle.
[♡] Kinks: Praise kink, degradation kink (somewhat implied)
[♡] Sub Microphone, Dom Knife.
[♡] Drabble or long one-shot?: long shot.
[♡] Smut without plot. Or well. Just a tiny bit of plot.

~ 🎤 x🔪~

Knife sighed as he layed just a bit on the edge of the bed that he shared with his partners, uncertain as to why was Microphone so insistant about him finally taking a goddamn break, and why would she tell him to wait there. It has been an pretty complicated day for him, after all, so it would make sense for him to need an chill pill, and the loud object just knew him pretty well and this point. Their boyfriend, Pickle, was out to get some special treats for them, so that left the sharp object with their beloved Mic.

Not that he minded, though. He loved spending time with her. She was amazing, if you asked him. And being held by her was something that he was expecting now. He always loved it when they snuggled and she gently kissed his face, even if her black lipstick left marks, he found out after the first time that he didn't care. Knife felt very loved by both of his partners.

He started to think about what had happened to him today.

Had a discussion with Trophy at the start of the day by an prank that went wrong, courtesy of The Cherries. It was meant to be harmless, but it wasn't the best idea in execution. It wasn't good when Trophy's camera fell to the ground and got damaged as a result, and he thought that Knife had something to do with it. However, even after the jock knew that the sharp object didn't, Knife still took the issue at hands and searched for someone who could fix his enemy's... friend's... accquiantance's precious camera. He was stressed after that, even if Trophy (very awkwardly) apologized later, it wasn't an start of the day that he expected.

Then, he had another fight with Paper over a series finale, their points of few being different. It was an humorous type of discussion, but perhaps it was the bad start of the day that made him feel so tired afterwards. Paper realized that, and said that the next time, Knife could choose the series they could watch together. An detail that he most definitely appreciated nonetheless, but found out that he was too stressed to even care or react properly.

Then, yet another problem came up, Pepper came to him crying about Salt. But he didn't found himself annoyed in the slighest by this. If anything, he found himself feeling worried by her. It was terrible to see those who you consider even part of your family lose their hopes with someone like that. Of course, Knife didn't like Salt after all, or just seemed to not care at all about her, but he certainly felt frustrated over the salt shaker not realizing that her best friend was literally if not almost confessing her love to her.

He had an chat with her, and very tiredly told her that it would be okay, and that just as time passes, she would find someone that loved her with that same intensity. Perhaps it went through her, since for the first time, he saw her going to talk to Soap and Bomb, instead of just going to her room to cry her heart out.

He was happy for her. That was a good start.

Thinking of it, today was a day where Knife pretty much took care of all of his friends in someway or another. And he's not one to get involved in these type of problems, but, ever since he started to be with the vegetable and the loud object, he became... softer. On a good way. More open to those who he cared about. Getting involved on shit and everything. Because he does care, but he prefers for others to realize those type of things by themselves. Being an support is more than okay for him.

But perhaps... he should get just a tiny bit more involved sometimes. Or maybe he shouldn't. He's worried to pull another "Suitcase and Nickel" situation. Of course, they were working on their relationship now and getting better ever since Nickel had a change of heart, but even then, Knife couldn't help but worry deeply at the possibility. He may call himself a jerk, but he really isn't. It's just an persona he had. What made him so loveable, in Pickle's words. But he knows that people are clever. Just too emotion driven sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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