“You know that I can take care of myself. Besides I've been living here with you for a long time and he hasn't tried to do anything to me.”

Aleksander stopped dead in his tracks, “Things are changing now. When you started to train your powers in public with the other Grishas, he noticed you. He didn't care about you before but now he's showing interest. He's probably already bored with Genya.”

As the last sentence fell out of the general's mouth, Yakov's head snapped to him. Yet the older male wasn't fazed because he carried on, “I don't want you to be his next pray. Before everything dies down, you'll stay in Novyi Zem.”

Yakov understood his brother's worries but he didn't want to run away from things. He knew he could look after himself. Still...the lad decided to not refuse his brother.

After all, Aleksander was doing this for him.

Before they could walk any further, a soldier from the First Army stopped them, “The tsar wants to meet with you and your brother in his chambers, Darkling.”

With a rised eyebrow the general followed the soldier together with Yakov.

As they were nearing the king's chambers, the soldier that was accompanying them quietly left the two brothers.

Aleksander's hand made contact with the doors and three loud knocks were heard through the hallway.

“Come in!” was said from the inside. The older male opened the doors and walked in. Yakov was following right behind, “Moi tsar, you wanted to see us?” Aleksander's question made the king nod his head.

“Yes, I wanted to talk to you and also say goodbye your brother,” the tsar sat down on his chair as he spoke again, “Darkling, I want you to travel to Ketterdam for some meeting. You'll leave in few days.”

“What'll be the meeting about?” the Shadow Summoner asked with a slight hint of interest. The king's head snapped to him and then to his brother.

“I'll tell you the details tomorrow. Now I want to speak to your brother considering he will be leaving soon,” the king's stare was burning a hole into Yakov as he talked.

The Darkling let out a quiet yes but didn't move an inch, “Alone.” the tsar demanded as his gaze was removed from Yakov to Aleksander.

The general froze and with an unreadable face he looked at his brother. Yakov only inclined his head in assurance.

With that the general bowed to the king and left without any sound. As the doors closed behind him, the king pointed his hand to another chair. “Please, take a seat.”

When the lad was seated he continued, “It's a shame that such a strong Grisha will be leaving us for a while. I hope you'll come back soon.”

Yakov kept quiet. He didn't know what to say to the man in front of him. This swine's words were full of lust and it disgusted him. “Yes, even my brother hopes for my soon return.”

“I was thinking if there's something that would make your journey more comfortable,” the tsar's hand rested on the Grisha's knee and it slowly wandered higher to his thigh.

“You can ask for anything.”

Yakov couldn't breathe. He felt nauseous as he saw the fat hand on his thigh. Yet he was able to let out a strong 'no' while shaking his head.

He tried to remain calm to cause no trouble. Even when he and his brother were powerful Grishas, there were many types of ways that could fuck up their lives and making the king hate you was one of them.

The king sighed but kept his hand on the lad's leg, “I hope that when you return, you'll visit my chambers to let me know in person,” he licked his lips as he moved his hand higher again.

Yakov couldn't keep calm anymore and before the pig could reach his crotch, he stopped his hand.

The swine rose his eyebrow and he leaned closer to the Grisha's ear. His breath smelled after beer and eggs - that caused Yakov to almost threw up.

“When there are things that I want, I'll always get them,” he whispered. For Yakov that was the last straw. He jumped out of his seat leaving the king startled.

But before he could do anything else, the doors swung open revealing an angry Genya, “There you are!” She exclaimed as she took notice of Yakov's presence.

“I'm sorry moi tsar but the younger Kirigan needs to go. The carriage is waiting.”

The king only huffed in annoyance not wanting to let Yakov go. But the tailor's look made him feel somehow intimidated for the first time. He shifted in his chair whilst telling them to go. Genya smiled in victory at this as she started to drag Yakov out of the room.

“Did he do anything to you?”

“No.” The lad sighed in relief remembering the king's fat hand on his tigh. “Come, we need to hurry.”

The two friends started to walk faster to the carriage that was patiently waiting for the younger Kirigan. As they stopped outside in front of it, Yakov noticed it's colour.

Emerald green.

The colour of his powers.

Yakov would be lying if he said that he wasn't surprised. He expected it to have the colour and sign of his brother. But this was the first time he was actually distinguished from the Shadow Summoner.

“You like it?” asked a voice from behind him. It belonged to Aleksander.

Both Yakov and Genya turned around to face him. They could notice the small smirk forming on the Darkling's face.

Yakov grinned from ear to ear. He was already tired of having everything in black. It was a nice colour but it wasn't his. It belonged to his brother and everyone in the Palaces knew it.

“Thank you.”

They stared at each other for a minute before Aleksander pulled his brother into a hug, “This is not a goodbye...but only a 'see you later'.” The Shadow Summoner whispered.

Yakov could only nod his head. He knew they'll be seeing each other sooner or later. Yet he hoped that their reunion will happen as soon as possible. With a small pat on his back, the older male let him go.

While nearing his carriage, he couldn't help but already feel loneliness. With a quick glace he gave Genya a sad smile before looking at his brother again.

“See you later, Sasha.”

“See you later, Yasha.”

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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