18 : Distance pt. 2

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The thought of what I had just done began to set in my mind.

He's unconscious.
I knocked him unconscious.
Holy crap— he's really out cold!

I took a look at my hand, a bit of blood on my knuckles. Is this blood mine or his?
Quickly going to wash it off, I called the first person I thought of in my time of desperation.

Kenma's POV

"No hinata — that's not how you play."

"It's attacking me!! Kenma help! HELP I CANT FIGHT BACK—!"

Kenma sighed, watching hinata struggle against the enemy. They we're meant to be hanging out and practicing volleyball, but kenma managed to rope him into one of his many videogames.
As he took the game to show him how to fight, his phone started ringing.

"Oh, I'll get it for you!"
Hinata said, putting down the game and snatching kenma's phone off the counter. "It's from Kuroo!"
He mentioned, putting the phone next to kenma's ear as requested.

"What's up?"
The voice on the other line was lower, and he seemed confused as he listened to kuroo's puzzling statements.

"Hey, kenma. Are you uh- free right now?"

"I'm just with hinata, why?"

"No reason. It's fine - go back to your hangout!"

"Is something wrong? You can tell me."

"okay so — Imightveknockedoutmydadwithapunchtotheface."

"Kuroo. Your joking, right?"


"Hold on. I'm coming over, whether you like it or not."

Kenma hung up the phone, putting the game down. "Hey, I gotta go do something. Do you think you'll be okay here?"
Hinata nodded, looking over as kenma was already putting on his shoes. "Yeah! As long as I can have snacks."
"They're all yours. just DONT EAT MY HERSHEYS." Kenma said sternly, stepping down the stairs and leaving Hinata in the room by himself.

Kuroo's POV :

"oh, wow. this is bad, right?"
Kenma mumbled. He didn't expect the sight before him, but he didn't hate it either. He already knew how much of an asshole kuroo's father was, he was more worried about what would happen after he got up. "I'll be honest, you have a lot more patience than me, kuroo. What did he do this time?"

"He was saying the worst things about my mom, and I kind of lost it." Kuroo stated, very matter of factly. "Uhm, what do I do?"

"I actually have no idea. Maybe we could stuff him in an alley somewhere!" Kenma suggested with a tiny grin, but kuroo sighed.
"I wish."

"maybe he won't remember? we could leave him here, and do something fun instead."

"fun like what?" kuroo asked.

"Movies? We can get popcorn from the store and watch something weird on Netflix." Kenma thought. He wanted any excuse to hang out a little bit more, and he didn't really want to leave kuroo alone after that.

"I like that idea. Before we leave though.." Kuroo took a bottle of beer and opened it, putting it next to his dad to make things more believable. He then took kenma's hand and wallet as they left the house for snacks. Packed with Arizona's and popcorn and nerds, they jumped onto his bed for a movie. Kenma critiqued all the romance and fight scenes in the movie, while kuroo silently adored his features. Laughing at his jokes, while trying to show him how cute the scenes could actually be. They had a small amount of eye contact, until they heard groaning. Kenma immediately paused the movie, and they stayed silent while they watched him get up from the floor.

"Th-e hell happen..?" His eyes scanned the room, noticing a peek of blonde hair. He looks confused, seeing the beer bottle and their positions on the couch. They're relieved when he sighs and dismisses them. "...Get your freaky friend out of here." He muttered. Slowly walking out of the room, kuroo exchanges a small smile with kenma.

"I guess I'll take 'freaky friend'?" He uttered, starting the movie again the second he was out of sight. Kuroo nudged his shoulder. "You're not a freaky friend, your my best friend. I love hanging out with you.."
"Whatever you say. Just don't hesitate to tell me when you need help. I'm always here for you, okay?"
kenma chimed in, always wanting them to be comfortable together.

"..yeah. I know, ken."
Kuroo wrapped his arm around his shoulders, and kenma didn't stop him as they continued watching and making fun of the movie. It was a simple best friend thing to them.

No matter how much kuroo's hearts raced with joy, it was just immense friendship.
Right? Totally.

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