13. Ideas

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I'm gonna try my hardest to make this a really good chapter, so I hope you guys enjoy it! (TYSM AGAIN)


Kuroo and kenma walked throughout the dorm halls together, hands secretly entwined. The experience,  as they would both describe it, was magical and sweet.
"So how are we going to tell bo and akaashi about this?" Kenma questioned, slightly worried but was assured by kuroo that everything would work out. "Maybe we should tell them straight up?" Kuroo thought, thinking the straightforward route would be easiest. kenma however, directly shot down that idea. "Sorry, but I could never agree to that." He groaned.

"Possibly a cute little surprise like what you did for me?"  Kuroo blushed at the comment, "You thought it was cute?" Kenma nodded in agreement, "of course, I mean how could I not?" He said, inching closer and closer to the individual with every step.
"Maybe, but what type of surprise??" Kuroo murmured, placing a kiss on the others forehead.
Kenma's face begins turning a light pink, focusing more on the kiss than the question at hand. "hhmm, not sure.." he says, distracted. The two stood in front of the dorm, taking deep breaths.

"Y'know what, let's think about all that later and just enjoy ourselves!" Kuroo exclaims. "How about we head to the park or somewhere fun?" His eyes brighten up a bit more, squeezing both of kenma's hands excitedly. "Sure, why not? As long as it's not somewhere super crazy-" he accepted, being content with getting the chance for them to spend time together, along with having nothing to do besides beat video game bosses. As they swiftly swung the door open, it revealed a still sleeping akaashi and a stretching bokuto who had changed into short sleeves due to the heat in their main room. "Oh, hey bo!" Kuroo whisper-shouted. Bokuto turned his head a little bit to the mirror to see their figures, "hey guys!" He faced them and placed his hands being his head, discreetly looking to flex his muscles. "Can I please invite him to come with us?" Kuroo muttered under his breath. Kenma nodded, coughing to hide his giggles from bokuto's obvious gloating.

"Do you want to come with me and kenma to the beach?" he proposed, receiving a quiet "yes!" from bokuto who pretended to accept casually. "okay, well let's go!" He waved at the door, when kenma interjected. "Wait, don't we have to get ready first? We should take some time to-" kenma got cut off by bokuto, who shooed off those concerns. "Who cares?! Let's just go!" He tugged on both of their arms, as they got dragged out of the dormitory and out onto the beach's boardwalk.

They walked and happily talked, kenma buying them all sweet treats while bo and kuroo built sandcastles as best as they could (they didn't work out very well) . "I got the snacks you guys asked for!" Kenma yelled to them, handing it over and lying on the bare sand. The heat from the sun relaxed kenma, mixed with the "calm" banter of his companions. He loved a lot about them, even if he wasn't that good at showing it. "ken, you still on earth?" Kuroo waved his hand in front of the boy, who accidentally zoned off. "Good thing or else.." he said ominously, holding wet sand in the hand behind his back. "I would've had to do this!"

He ran up behind them and threw the wet sand on kenma and bokuto's back. "ACK!" bokuto squealed, startled by the hard touch of the sand. kenma sent a death glare kuroo's way, "NOT FUNNY!" He roared, but kuroo let out a cackle in delight. "Definitely funny-!!" He kept giggling and poking fun at their reactions until bo retaliated, tossing water balloons the black haired boys' way. Very cold ones at that, they had been stored in the cooler for an insanely extended amount of time. "Take that!" Bokuto yelled, Kenma joining in the battle to tackle him down. "W-Wait guys! I- wasn't prepared for this..?!!" He fumbled, falling onto the sand while the boys triumphed over their victory. "The kings' been toppled by his royal guard- what an unfortunate fate!" He groaned.

He lifts his head up from the sand to find bokuto and kenma standing over him. "Sir, do you wish to accompany? eh- help us make a new sandcastle?" He bowed,  although kenma refused to bow the point was clear to kuroo. "I guess a king must help his guard at times." He took their hands and pulled himself up. "You mean a toppled king-" kenma said underneath his breath, causing Kuroo to take a water balloon and pop it over his head. "let's go running bo!" He grabbed the others hand, using the running as an excuse to get away from kenma. "Woah, I mean okay then!" The two started running away, one rushing more than the other. "GET BACK HERE!" Kenma wasn't much of a runner, but kuroo had only seen him try so hard a couple of times before. "Ahaaha.." he nervously laughed, the two immediately picking up the pace.
Meanwhile, Akaashi was just waking up...

"Hm?" He awoke to himself under a blanket and a surprisingly comfortable pillow. "Where did everyone go?" He silently scanned the room, looking at a post it note on the side of the couch.
Reading it, it said..

" Went out, have a good sleep :)   -Bo, ken and kuroo "

Upon reading the note, he smiled to himself. He stuffed it into his pocket and sat in the silence. "I need to get up, but maybe I'll stay like this for a few more minutes.." he felt himself dozing off again, but slapped himself awake. "Okay, I need to go study-!"

This chapter took longer to write than I thought, sorry guys !!

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