She pouted biting her nails immediately Sujata glared at her,"This is the 2nd month"responded an anxious Uttara

"Then why did you hide it from me?" question Sujata concealing her disappointment.

Uttara stared down not knowing how to respond,"You should start checking what you eat and be careful none should know about this pregnancy before your marriage"told Sujata

"Ma....."trail Uttara anxiously

"Am not mad at you Uttara just disappointed how I have to find it out"console Sujata

"So how many people know of you being pregnant" question Sujata

"Don't worry Ma,next time you'l be the first person she'l inform"teased Khushi earning a smack on her head

Everyone enjoyed their day induding Gadodia's sisters who were reunited with their husbands. Ragini was the most happiest for yesterday was the first night she saw Laksh staring at her without disgust,anger or plain look.

She decided she has to get Laksh love only by being the Ragini she was before the change ,she was willing to work on herself and so is all her relations. During the day Maheswari elders headed to Gadodia's with Shagun and the two were happy for this round they will enter in their in-laws house not as compromised brides.

The day proved to be fruitful as Maheswari prepare to welcome the Raizada's who will be arriving later in the day. Arshi had gone to Check the renovation of Cozy Cuisine which was going on here in Kolkota which other siblings try to clear their work before the function  while Nk and Uttara headed to airport to pick the Raizada's.

In the evening Raizada's and Gupta's arrived in Kolkota where they were received by Uttara and Nk. They embraced each other as they headed to the cars waiting for them not before Nani revealing of Arnab and Anjali's marriage which took place in the morning and the circumstance surrounding it.

Uttara and Nk tension was relieved,even though they didn't say loudly they were anxious earlier with Arnab's presence around Khushi. But their tension eased knowing he won't be a bane in Khushi's marital life. Nani introduced Arnab's wife and Anjali's husband who received polite smiles from the two.

 Nani introduced Arnab's wife and Anjali's husband who received polite smiles from the two

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Piya ASR

Arnab watched everything dishearten for due to his mistakes not only Nk but the siblings separated and can't look in each others eyes due to their past shortcoming which contributed to the damage.

They arrived in MM which was bigger than their mansion but they showed no reaction. They looked interestingly at the different structures admiring it's beauty in silence. They were welcomed inside and it's beauty took their breath.

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