He pauses for a moment before nodding. I know we're having a... rough patch right now, but I'm glad he doesn't dismiss me as a whole.

"What can I get you?" She asks, leaning against the opposite side of the counter.

"We ain't here to get food," Kanji says.

"Oh," she frowns.

"We came here to warn you."


"...What do you mean, again?" I frown.

"Yosuke-kun already came here to warn me," she explains. "Yesterday."

"...Is this true?" I turn to face Yosuke, my eyebrows furrowed.

"...So what if it is?" He scoffs.

"Y-you should have said..." I murmur.

I feel a little hurt he kept this from me. Well, not just from me, but from the whole group. He should have shared this earlier.

"...So you know?" Kanji says.

"Yup," she nods. "I'll be extra careful, so don't worry about me."

"Got it." I force a smile, but my mind is stuck on Yosuke.

He really likes this girl, huh? He really cares about her...



Yosuke's POV:

"So, find anything out?" Chie asks, as we all meet up again in the food court.

"Yosuke-senpai'd already spoken to her," Kanji mutters.

"...You did?" Yukiko raises an eyebrow.

"Get off my back," I groan.

"He's right," Yu sighs. "Let's just leave it, alright?"

"But, Senpai—" Kanji tries to object, but Yu silences him with a hand.

I can't believe this... He has everyone freaking... bewitched.

"Let's watch what comes on tonight," he continues. "We can go from there."

"...If this is following the pattern, we should see a real show, right?" Yukiko asks.

Yu nods. "If we've got this right."

Risette on a show...

She's always on TV, you idiots...

Calm down, Yosuke... You're not mad at the girls... Just Yu and Kanji...

You can't afford to lose anyone else.


Yu's POV:

"...We sort of cut our conversion short yesterday," I say, holding Yosuke back.

Well, I didn't cut it short.

"Hm?" He frowns. "Oh. I guess."

"...Could we finish it?" I ask hesitantly, pulling out a chair at a different table.

"There's really nothing to say about it," he sighs.

"I want to know something."


"Why are you so defensive all of a sudden?"


"I mean, since Kanji joined, you've been weird."

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