Chapter four

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After work I couldn't stop thinking about what Layla asked me. I got in my car and called my friend Hannah pulling out of the parking lot. After two rings she answers "Hey babes! How's being around the hottest quarterback been?" she asks making me laugh at how ironic it is she asked me that "It's good I've met his daughter" I say and she gasps "Wait really??" she asks.

I pull up into my driveway "Yes but I feel like this needs to be a bar conversation" I say honestly making Hannah get excited "You know I will never say no to a bar night" she says making laugh as I get out of my car "Ok I will meet you there" I say and we hang up.

I go in and eat something real quick so I don't drink on an empty stomach and then go to my room to get dressed. It's still pretty warm here in Cincinnati so I just decide on a white cropped tank with leggings and a pair of my flip flops.

I had my hair in a braid again today so I take that out letting it just be in the waves the braid created and then put on little makeup and my jewelry. Once I am done I grab my purse that I take to bars with me and my phone and walk out.

I get into my car blaring country music and drive to Hannah's house. I pull up and honk the horn to let her know I am here. She soon comes out and gets into the car "Hey babes!" she says making me smile "Hey babes! Do I have stuff to tell you but first I need a beer before that" I say putting on my sunglasses and drive us to the bar.

We soon pull up and it's our favorite little sports Irish bar where we know everyone and the bartenders. I get out and then walk in with Hannah and go right up to the bar. Our all time favorite bartender, who is an older woman named Helen, is working which makes us both excited.

Helen comes up "How's my favorite girls? Two Michelob's?" she asks and we nod as she goes to get the drinks. She doesn't take long and soon comes up giving them to us and then we give her our cards to start a tab. I turn to Hannah and we both cheers our drink and then take a sip.

The drink just feels so good right now I take another sip and then look at her "Ok tell me what happened" she says and I sigh "Well yesterday his mom came in with his daughter Layla and said she can't watch her today and well he had practice so I offered to help" I start and Hannah's eyes widens "I'm not surprised Sammy, you are always first to offer help where it's needed" she says making me roll my eyes.

I take another sip of my beer "Anyways, I spent the day with her and honestly she's the cutest little kid ever and honestly I would watch her anytime because she's just that awesome" I say and she chuckles "You always had that kid magnet to you" she says making me laugh a bit and nod agreeing "Well today me and her were watching practice when Joe got hurt and was holding the knee he tore his ACL in" I say and again Hannah speaks "Is he ok??" she asks concerned.

I nod "Yes he's fine but when I was checking on him Layla asks 'Sammy are you going to date my dad?' and I couldn't even say anything" I say and her jaw drops making me nod. She is so shocked but asks "What did Joe say?" and I shrug "Nothing I guess because after that I walked away and went back to getting reports done" I say and she shakes her head.

We continue to talk and drink when Helen comes up with two drinks even though we didn't order more making us confused "The two guys over there ordered them for you guys" she points making us look. And low and behold it's Joe and Ja'Marr. I just shake my head as Hannah's jaw is dropped.

I look at her "Babes close your mouth you'll catch a fly" I say getting up and she looks at me "What are you doing?" she asks "We are going to go and say hi and thank them for the drinks" I say and she goes speechless again. We both walk over to them "Well if it isn't the two trouble makers" I say making the two laugh.

Ja'Marr shakes his head "Hey I'm not a trouble maker" he says and I laugh and nod "You're right it's all Joe" I say and Joe pretends to be hurt. I pull Hannah up closer to us "Guys this is my best friend Hannah, Hannah this is Joe and this is Ja'Marr" I say pointing to each one.

She waves still speechless making me roll my eyes and look at them "We wanted to say thank you for the drinks, you guys didn't have to do that" I say and Joe shrugs "I feel like I owe you for watching Layla the two days and especially after the question today" he says.

I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up honestly but I just nod "Yeah that was a crazy question for sure" I say and Joe nods "I um am sorry Layla asked that, I promise she is normally not like that" he says and I shake my head "Don't even worry about it, kids always say the craziest things honestly so" I say making him nod agreeing.

Ja'Marr sees two people get up "Why don't you guys sit with us? Hangout for a bit?" he suggests and I turn to Hannah "You ok with that?" I ask and she nods as I sit next to Joe and she sits next to Ja'Marr. We spend the rest of the night just talking and drinking with them.

A/N: Alrighty I wanted to get this chapter out to you guys! Thank you for the love on this story already! I cant wait to get more out to you guys!

Also after Saturday I am done with school and will officially be home so I will definitely be updating more often!

Love you all! Please vote and comment!

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