"Yeah, yeah. Of course. It's, uh... it's in the hold. Yeah. Show him."

JJ clenches his jaw, "Okay. Yeah, here we go."

"All right."


Shoupe begins to walk towards the edge of the boat, Evelynn pulling Kiara towards her as JJ calls out to the man.

"Be careful."

Pope feels the need to add on, "Be careful. You don't wanna slip."

Evelynn let's a small breath out as the deputies move towards their own boat.

"Beautiful day."

The teens let out their own words of agreement, Evelynn discreetly looking over as she noticed the top of John B's head rise from the water.

"Let us know if you see anything on your way out."

"Will do. Will do."

"We'll be gone soon, sir." JJ calls out, following Evelynn's actions in blocking the view of the water as he almost immediately noticed John B floating up.

"Yes, you will."

After watching the police officers leave, the four teens force themselves towards the edge of the boat.

"They're definitely out of air." Pope says, almost certain in his statement.

"I would think so." Evelynn starts, "Johnathan's dumbass was floating up."

JJ ignored their words as he anxiously waited for Kirsten to make her appearance, gasping as he watched John B come up.

"There he is! Oh, God! Jesus Christ!" He let out, "Where's Kirsten!?"

"Here!" She shouted out, a little ways away from them.

"Don't scare us like that!" Kiara said, waiting to make sure her sister was okay before helping Pope get John B in.

"Are you okay?" JJ whispered to the girl, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I'm okay."

"Did you find anything?" Pope asks, glancing between the two.

"Did we find anything?" John B jokes, shoving a black bag out of his arms. "I almost missed it. Kirsten wouldn't leave until we got it out."

"Yeah, there we go! That's my girl!" JJ beams, pulling the girl into a hug as he cheered.

Evelynn chuckled as she noticed the blush forming on her friends face.

"You guys okay?" Kiara asked, her attention on John B, while Evelynn looked towards Kirsten.

"Yeah, we ran out of air."

"You scared the shit out of me." Kie told him, failing to notice the frown that formed on her sisters face.

Evelynn noticed. The Connor girl moved around their friends as she pulled Kirsten into a relieved hug. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She chuckles softly, "I'm okay."

"Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh... took care of 'em."

The rest of their words seemed to fall faint to her ears are Kirsten stumbled forward, "Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock."


"Do you recognize that boat?" Pope asked.

Kie shakes her head with furrowed brows, "I've never seen it."

"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed." Evelynn said, moving further away from the back of the boat, pulling Kirsten with her.

"Let's not stick around and find out."

"JJ, get the bowline."

"Should we wait on 'em?"

Kirsten shakes her head at the dumb question, "No, we're not."

"Go get the stern. Go!"

"Are you joking? JJ, hurry up."

"Don't wait for him, Go!" Evelynn shouts to the long haired boy driving the boat.

"Guys, don't wait for me. Go." JJ reassured as John B turned to him in question.

The panic had officially set in as Evelynn watched one of the men pull a gun out. Her eyes grew wide as she dropped to the ground and pulled whoever was closest to her with her.

Kie groaned as she was forced to the ground by her sisters best friend. "What are you—?"

"Stay down, Kiara!" She shouted back. Just as JJ turned to ask why they were on the ground, a gun shot rang out and startled the teens.

Kirsten practically screeched as she was forced her body under his. His head was tucked in her neck as the gunshots kept going. Her eyes trailed over to the driver,

"John B, get down!"

"Holy shit!"

Breaths of relief and happiness were let out as they finally managed to get away. Kirsten could only stare in shock as JJ jumped around in excitement,

"Booyeah! Pogue god, man!"


"What do you think it is?"

That was the first question asked as soon as they made it to shore. Even after almost getting killed, the groups of teens were almost too eager to continue the search.

"Gotta be money, right?"

"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to mid-mils!"

Pope, growing frustrated with the eating, speaks up, "Can we please just open the bag?"

"Wow, Pope."

"That's a rare outburst of emotion." JJ chuckles.

"Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag."

JJ whispers under his breath, "Jeez."

"We almost died over this."

Unzipping the bad, the group of six leans forward with a rush of excitement running through their veins, only to solely disappointed at the compass that was revealed.

Evelynn snorts as Pope stand up in anger, "Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right. Good job, everybody. We found a compass."

Kirsten stared in disbelief as her eyes traveled around the area, her eyes squinting at John B

"It's not worth anything, John B."

"This was my father's."

𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 | 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora