Chapter 27

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Bruce takes you to lay down in Peter's room, taking some basic vitals.

"I'm okay Bruce," you ensure. He gives you a look. You let him finish his tests without a word.

"I want you to rest."

"Yes sir."

"I am serious [Y/N]." He gives you a worried look.

"I promise, I will rest."

"Good, I am giving you the rest of the day off. Sleep, and I will see you tomorrow."


"Sleep!" he states as he gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Who am I to disobey doctor's orders you think as sleep overtakes you.

The next day when you return to the tower, everyone is out on a mission. Bruce informs you of this fact when you comment on how the common room was empty when you checked on your way to the lab.

"Must be pretty serious if everyone had to go," you state.

"Well, they didn't need me, so that is always a good sign," he states with a small smile. You nod in agreement. Peter must have gone considering he was gone when you woke up. You see the holographic screens broadcasting the mission cameras in the corner of the room, up for Bruce to monitor while you work.

The two of you work for a few hours, stopping to watch the cameras every once and a while. Bruce is deep into his research when you notice something on the screen. An explosion goes off and Tony's body camera goes down, but you can still see through his face plate camera. You grab Bruce's attention at this. The two of you watch the fight happening and see that they are starting to be outnumbered, the non-enhanced growing tired.

They were in trouble, you both knew it. There was no hesitation between you, both running for the extra Quinjet that was parked on the roof. You climb into the co-pilot seat, buckling in, while Bruce takes the lead, getting you to the fight in minutes. He doesn't bother telling you to stay, knowing that you didn't have time to fight about it. He lands the Quinjet as close to the fight as he can, ripping off his seatbelt. He gives you one last look, and you can see he is worried. You give him a small smile and a nod, taking over the coms line by plugging into the Quinjet. Bruce had shown you once in case of an emergency, which this appeared to be.

"Code Green, coming in," you inform the team. You hear labored breathing through everyone's coms, but you could tell they were relieved to have the help.

"What... are you... doing here?" Peter asks you through the com while still fighting.

"Someone needed to man the coms, and you guys needed Bruce. It's fine, just hang in there."

"You shouldn't be here," he retorts, which causes you to roll your eyes.

"It's too late now," you state.

"Little less talking.... More fighting," Steve grunts through the com. "But he is right, it's too dangerous."

"Less talking, more fighting," is all you answer. Bringing your headset with you to the run point, you move to the back of the Quinjet, watching the fighting happen. You can see each of the Avengers fighting their own group of agents. They look tired. You hear an almost roaring sound, and the Hulk appears, taking out a large cluster of agents as Steve rolled out of the way.

"Thanks," he called out, catching his breath.

You look out over the field, watching them fight, calling out to a few of them about agents sneaking up behind them. They wouldn't admit it, but they were thankful you were there to help them. They still wished you were back at the tower safe though.

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