Chapter 1

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Kyle's POV;

It was around 3:37 am, I was fast asleep when I woke up by a notification from my phone, I was used to waking up from notifications since Tolkien and my TikTok account we made a few years back when we were kids. Since then it only got more popular and now we had reached 1M! A huge milestone for us, so I normally woke up from people spam liking our videos or just spamming our comments, but this time it was different. I sat up in my bed, my blanket falling off of me as I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up a bit before looking at the time.

I reached over to my bedside table and looked at my notifications, as I could have guessed it was mainly from TikTok until I scrolled down and saw a notification from Stan, weird. Normally I got notifications from him when he was drunk so I opened my phone to see what he had sent me. I opened the messages and my phone fell from my hands as I gasped reading the message.

"I want to die."

My eyes darted around the screen for any new messages other than that, but none showed up, I kept looking at the word "die" and I felt my heart racing as I picked up my phone and called him, no answer. I called him again and again as my eyes started to tear up, "Why isn't he answering me?" I thought to myself as I called him multiple times, still to no answer. I knew he wasn't going to answer my calls so I started to text him after 140 missed calls, I started to text him saying things like, "Stan,  are you okay?", "This isn't funny." and "Stan, I'm worried. Please answer me."

Still, I got no answers, I couldn't help but cry, I cried so much to the point it hurt too, but I still did. I didn't want him to die. My super best friend is dead. I didn't know what to do, how to feel, or what to say. Is this all some cruel joke? Is this just a prank? Is he going to kill himself?

I guess I fell asleep after a bit, I don't remember much besides me crying my eyes out. I woke up by the sound of my alarm, my eyes hurt so much from last night but I didn't care. I grabbed my phone and shut off the alarm, 6:23 am it said in bright white letters. All I could think of was Stan though, is he okay? Will he be at school? My mind raced with different thoughts about Stan.

I finally got up and looked at myself in the mirror beside my bathroom, I looked like a mess. My eyes were red and puffy from crying so hard and my hair was all tangled, I just honestly looked rough.

I grabbed a brush and started to brush my hair as I kept looking at my phone for any response from Stan, none. My heart continued to race hoping he was safe and okay, I hoped he would answer my messages with at least a, "Haha, pranked you." or even just, "I'm okay." though not one message showed up from him.

After brushing the knots out of my hair I headed for my closet and grabbed the outfit I was going to wear, just a greyish tank top with light blue jeans with my dirty green hat I kept since I was younger, a gift from my grandpa before he died when I was only 2.

Once I got done changing I grabbed some of the bracelets from my bedside table, alot of them were matching bracelets with Stan, Tolkien, Bebe etcetera. I grabbed a necklace with a locket on it, inside the locket had a picture of Ike in it, my good luck charm.

I looked over to see what time it was, 7:10 am. I grabbed my sage green and black bag and my phone and headed for the door, saying goodbye to Ike as I left. I turned on my phone and looked at my messages again seeing if I had anything from Stan, but still nothing came from him. "Did he really do it?" I thought to myself as I finally reached my bus stop were Cartman and Kenny stood.

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