soon, you were next in line. you ordered your favorite drink, and kyle stepped in to pay.
"thank you." you smiled.
"don't mention it." he smiled back to you.

you got your drink and were about to leave when kyle's hand grabbed yours to stop you.
"you wanna stay and talk?" he pulled his hand away in embarrassment.
"i was gonna go to that bookstore a few blocks down.." your hand tingled.

"blue whale books?" kyle called excitedly.
"yeah, i think so."
kyle's expression softened when you looked up at him. he saw a sort of innocence in them. and he felt it, too when he was with you.

"let me come with you-" he blurted.
you blinked at him before looking down at your coffee.

he did buy me this coffe.

"sure." you nodded and pushed through the shop doors. walking side by side, you and kyle stayed quiet. you wondered if he felt how awkward things were, even though you couldn't think of why it would be awkward.

you dated for 2 months in high school, who cares?
but still, you couldn't think of how to talk to him. you couldn't form the words.

"so, what are you going to school for?" kyle broke the silence.
"astronomy." you looked at your feet. "i'm actually graduating this semester."

kyle smiled to himself.
"you did always love the stars."
your face turned red and once again you pulled up your scarf. you couldn't believe he would remember something like that about you. if you were honest, you didn't remember much about him.

"i mean it makes me happy." he continued, realizing how intimate his comment sounded. "seeing people do what they love. like stan with his music degree. y'know, he always loved to play guitar." he rambled, and you just listened. you watched his hands frantically wave as he spoke. a smile creeped its way onto your face.

kyle stepped to the side, reaching above you to open the door to the bookshop. your cheeks burned as you both stepped into the elegant shop. it had vines and other plants scattered around, and a vintage olive green chandelier in the middle above the checkout.

"oh my god-" you gawked. kyle smiled.
you ran your fingers along the dark brown shelves as you scanned the books. kyle had split from you while in the store, where you immediately went to the romance section.

now, you found yourself in the literary fiction section, which took up four bookshelves of the bookshop. you rounded a corner to the other side of the shelf, at the end, kyle was looking at the books on the top shelf. you couldn't even read what was on the top shelf.

"you read literary fiction?" you hesitated. his head whipped around to you.
"yeah.. it's my favorite." he smiled.
"favorite book?" you enjoyed hearing him talk, so you figured you could get him going about his favorite book.

"umm.." he started. "hold on." he went to the shelf behind you, and quickly came back with a black paperback book called 'the reader'.
"the reader." you nodded.
"you've read it?" he said excitedly.
"um.. no. what's it about?"
"it starts off with this sick kid-"

you listened to him talk again. his hand gestures brought a small smile to your face.
"anyway, it's pretty good." he shrugged. you grabbed the book from his hands.
"guess i'll read it then." you remarked playfully. kyle's cheeks tinted pink.

after buying your book, and kyle bought the four books he wanted, you continued your walk. kyle still stood at your side. the quiet comforted you both.
"i can't believe tweek and craig are getting married tomorrow." kyle snickered.
"i know." you scoffed. "i feel like we're so young." you shook your head, the idea of getting married made you feel sick.
"i guess when you love someone for that long it doesn't really matter." he shrugged.

you nodded but chose to stay quiet about the subject. you weren't the best to ask for relationship advice. you didn't think you'd ever loved anyone. but that was okay with you, because it kept you from being hurt.

"have you been to aspen?" you looked up at the shy boy who walked close.
"yeah. overrated." he huffed.
"aw man, really?"
"yeah." he looked at you. "why? you going?"
"yeah. with tweek and craig and whoever else. i already paid for the weekend."
"i mean, it's not so bad."
"nah, you're just saying that."
"no i mean it. skiing is actually a lot of fun."
"will you be there?"

kyle pursed his lips slightly.
"would you want me to be there?" he slowly looked at you as you looked straight ahead.
"i mean, it might be fun."
"okay, you sold me. i'll go."

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 🚀  .     ˚     *        .  .    ˚  ☄️     ˚🌒        .  .   ˚ .         🌀      .

"oh my god, kyle." stan laughed at his friend.
"you told me to get with her!" kyle's hands flew up.
"yeah, but i didn't tell you to be a simp. god."

kyle groaned loudly and dropped into his office chair. looking into his laptop he read his assessment.
"you wanna smoke?" stan laid off the side of his bed, his arms draped to the floor.
"yeah-" kyle tapped his fingers. "i probably shouldn't though."
"oh, cmon dude, you've been working on that paper for days."
"it's due in a week."

stan got up, his bare feet hit against their dorms hardwood floors.
"what are you even writing about?"
"it's a paper for my english class. we're supposed to write about our biggest mistake."
"that sounds boring." stan sighed. "i have a night class soon so ima shower."

kyle closed his laptop after a few minutes of scoping the screen. he rolled onto his bed, holding his pillow as he looked outside the window. before too long he was taking a light nap.

his eyes opened after a while, the shower wasn't going anymore.
"stan?" he called from his bed. he got not answer, meaning stan was still in class. he felt butterflies in his stomach as his eyes went down to his pelvis.

he groaned annoyingly at the large tent in his sweatpants. he didn't wake up with a hard on often, but he hated when he did.
"stan?" he said again. still no answer, so he brought his palm down to his abdomen and slid his hand underneath his sweats. he settled his bottom lip in between his teeth.

after hesitating for a moment, he closed his eyes and slowly stroked his dick. a sweet sigh broke free from his lips. suddenly, you appeared in his mind. he stopped for a second but continued, going faster the more he thought about you.

"y/n.." he exhaled.
as he was getting close to his climax, he heard the key click at the door, pulling his hand away and rolling over as if he was sleeping.

stan walked in dragging his feet, until he saw kyle in bed. he tried his best to stay quiet as he made his way to his bed. stans side of the room was a lot messier than kyle's, and stan always ended up tripping in the dark.

he stumbled over a board game, and knocked his knee into his desk.
"fuck-" he whisper shouted. he peeked around the corner to see kyle still laying still, causing stan to smile.

a/n: thanks for reading :)) next chapter gonna be a long one just a warning.

new planet // kyle broflovski 2Where stories live. Discover now