83) It's time i tell you.

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Alegio Riccardo


I'm such a fucking asshole.. we were getting on fine, but is that really how she feels? She wants nothing to do with me?

I fucked everything up..

I drive home feeling a tightness in my chest as I think about the stupidity I just acted out. I wouldn't be surprised if Bailey never comes back..

Hours later

Its Ten at night, where on earth is she?? She said she's coming back so why isnt she here! Did she lie to me? But she told Millie she will be back, surely she wouldn't lie to a nine year old? I lay on the living room couch my head resting back so I'm staring at the ceiling

The sound of the door grabs my attention as I turn my head to hear the sound of heels tapping against the marble floor waking towards the stairs. I get up from the couch and walk towards the stairs to see Bailey already half way up the staircase she was wear a dark marron cocktail dress, it definitely wasn't what she had on when she left...

"Where have you been?"I stated as she stopped and turned her head to me and gives me an emotionless look.

"Out." She states and then continued to walk upstairs as I walk after her

"What the fuck are you wearing!?" I hissed as we were now in her bedroom as just puts her hand bag on her side table while taking off the high heels ignoring what I said

"Hello?! I'm waiting??"

"Since when did you become my dad? Fuck off would you."

"You can't just go off late and not let me know -"

"Can't I? Last time I checked I'm 27 not fucking 7!" She yelled rolling her eyes as I flet myself getting more and more irritated with this woman

"What is your problem? Are you drunk or something!" I screamed as she stops and glares at me

"I may have had a few drinks with a friend but I'm sober enough to tell you that your my problem!"

"I came here to have fun because if you don't remember I was in the hospital for a few weeks! And the whole time I've been here you've been a real pain in my ass! I don't remember you being this fucking irritable! If it will make your night I can pack my things and leave because I don't want to be here if your going to act like a spoiled child who's not getting what he wants!" She screams

"Fine leave! I don't care at all while your at it Let Réy know I said hi!"

"You know what I will! To top it off I'll tell him that your in love with him because you talk about him all the damn time!" She screams picking up her bag, swang it over her shoulder and started to walk towards the door.

She's unbelievable..

Bailey Bolden

I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder and headed towards the door. This man is driving me absolutely nuts! One minute he is sweeter then honey and the next more bitter then Coco powder!

It's better that I leave why the fuck would I ever believe that it would be a great idea to stay here! How did I ever fall in love with him!

I grab the door handle and open the door but as I was about to walk out the door a hand hits onto the door slamming it immediately. I turn around my back against the wooden door and there standing closer then ever was Alegio

Both arms trapping me as they rested against the door. His eyes stare into mine filled with determination as I fold my arms over my chest glaring at him

"What are you doing!"

"You honestly think I'm going to let you walk out this door knowing full well you'll just go knocking on his? Miss Bolden you truly don't know me."

"You only realise that now? I never knew you. You were going to kill me for your benefit and you expect me to know you? Pathetic.." I whispered

"You just love bringing up the past, don't you? Can't you just accept that I've changed and let it go?" He whispered yet his voice still stren as I lower my head

"Don't you get?"

"I can't just let it go and forget about everything and pretend you never hurt me Alegio, for the past three years I've tried my best to move on and forget about you.."

"I hated you for lying and manipulating me, I hated you for ruining us, for ruining me..you took my heart and destroyed it right in front of my eyes.."

"Yet I still.." I uttered as Alegio looks at me confused yet interested

"Still what?" He asked as I take a deep breath, what am I doing? I hate him. Why is my heart racing! Am I actually thinking of saying that!


"I.. hate it.."

"I hate that your still pretending to care! What are you still set on killing me because if so just do it!"

"Just get it over and done with wont you! I'm sick of everything! If I'm that much of a nuisance to you that after three years you still feel the need to take out your father's revenge than just fucking do it!" I yelled looking up at him as he stares at me shocked

"Bailey.." he whispered unable to say anything else other than my name

"You think it's easy for me! To forget and let everything go!? I can't let go because it hurts! I can't let go because I don't know how, You hurt me and no matter how much I care for you i hate just as much! I can't look at you without remembering that stupid file you had of me! And I will never stop hating you for it" I screamed as I look away from him turning my face away as he sighs

"You hate me.." he whispered the hurt obvious in his voice as I dont look at him

"Dont pretend like I hurt your feelings when you obviously dont have any " I hissed as I meet his eyes, I stare in shock to see a look I've never seen before.

He looks...crushed...

"I see, If that's how you truly feel than I guess there is no use in trying anymore...You've made up your mind of me..I guess it's only a waste of time trying to get you to see how I feel for you" he whispered his voice a cold and distance whisper

"The least you can do is tell me why, why did you do it.." I hissed as his eyes met mine


The world of love and liesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora