Theres only one star

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"You though you were going home after nationals but here we are back in LA. I have a big surprise it's very exciting, before I get into that you notice there's no pyramid"

McKenzie Paige Brooke Maddie Daisy Chloe Nia

We're all on the same row, everyone claps

"Everyone is in a straight line because here in LA it's not really about the talent it's about the look"

"I think we're ready to talk a little bit about the suprise, this is LA the best people in the world come here and everyone wants to be a star, you are gonna get the opportunity to audition for a major music video"


"I don't who's gonna get it I don't know if all of you are gonna get it or just some of you it's not up to me" Abby says "I don't make the decisions so it's every man for himself, tomorrow instead of rehearsals I'm going to teach a class, I'm gonna teach a hip hop combination since that audition is hip hop"

Oh no I'm not the best at hip hop I hope the combo isn't too hard.

"This is Hollywood they can chew you up and spit you out or they can make all your dreams come true, it just depends you have to be in the right place at the right time and you have to be prepared for the worst"

Abby and Gianna starts teaching us the combo and it's so hard I'm not used to hip hop

"And hit it hit it hit it" Abby says

"Grand plea" she says "and walk cross Shanne turn devele and kiss"

We start to perform in pairs so Abby can watch us individually and I'm performing with Nia

"Daisy you're a beat behind"

Oh no this is such hard choreography, I keep forgetting it

"Daisy do the right move" Abby is yelling and I want to cry

The music finishes and I go to hug Paige and she kisses me.

Then we head back to the hotel room and me, Brooke and Paige watch a movie with popcorn. It's so yummy.

The next day we are going to the audition

"Come on girls" Abby says as we are walking to the place "you can see it there"

I'm soo nervous and I go in holding Mommy's hands.

"Ok what's your name?" a lady asks to sign me in

"Umm Daisy Melody Hyland"

"Ok" she says and hands me a number, it's number 37

It's soo crowded and there is so many people

Then we get called into the room and start learning the combo and I'm struggling and it's hard to pick it up.

The choreographer comes over to me and MacKenzie
and asks what's wrong

"I don't know it" we both say in unison

"You don't know it? It's ok try to learn as much as you can don't worry about it"

That doesn't really help and I'm so scared. The we come out and Abby gives us an even more scary pep talk.

"Ok can I'm gonna start calling you in to do improv and perform the routine" a woman says

She calls all our numbers and we go in and the improv is going much better than the choreography

We finish and all the judges clap

We all get called back as a group and the owner gives us a talk

"We have seen a lot of dances come through our agency and one thing that you're learning about is rejection which is part of the business and you just have to keep going right"

Daisy HylandWhere stories live. Discover now