Chapter 2

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Jasper's POV

Best friend. I don't know why, but it hurt a little when I heard her say it. It never hurt before, so why now. I was standing at the hill where I usually meet up with Y/n. I turn when I smell Y/n and my eyes widen I see what she was wearing. She wore a casual pink dress that stopped right above her knees and had long sleeves.

"What do you think? Alice bought me some dresses and I didn't know which one to choose." Y/n says, holding her arms out to let me get a better look at her.

"You look beautiful." I say, remembering the time I took her to the dance and how my non-existent heart had skipped a beat at how beautiful she was.

"Why thank you! You look quite handsome yourself." Y/n says with a smile.

We run to the house and get there before Edward and Bella. We walk in and Y/n gapes at the decorations before looking at me.

"Bella's not gonna be too happy with this."

I chuckle before putting my arm around her for a sense of security. Rosalie comes in and smiles at us.

"Wow Y/n! That dress looks so good on you!" she says and Y/n smiles, leaving me to talk to the rest of the family.

I smile until I hear Alice say that Edward and Bella were coming. I stand at a distance, but feel a hand grip mine. Looking up, I see Y/n give me a smile before pulling me back to the rest of the family.

"Jasper, it's gonna be okay. I'll help you if you need me." Y/n whispers to me in a calming voice.

I can't help but give her a smile back. I put my arm around her and she puts hers around my waist, sending a spark through my body with her touch.

Y/n's POV

I watch as Alice, Bella, and Edward come down the stairs and I giggle when I see Bella's uncomfortable face. I knew Bella didn't like to make a big deal out of things, especially since she started dating Edward. A lot of people thought me and Jasper were dating because of how close we were. I chuckled before feeling a slight squeeze on my arm. Looking up, I see Jasper with the pained expression. He looked down at me, almost as if to say he didn't want to be here. I gave him a smile and held onto him tighter to let him know he wasn't alone.

A sudden flash of light catches my attention. I see Alice with a camera and raise an eyebrow.

"Found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asks.

I hear Emmett make fun of Edward dating a woman older that him and I was glad Edward hit him, or I was going to do it myself. Rosalie gives Bella a silver package, more like shoves it into her hands. I know Rosalie still doesn't want to get close Bella, but would it hurt to be a little nicer? Another flash goes off and I see Bella and Edward looking into each others eyes, just like my parents used to. I let out a sigh and feel Jasper hold me closer, sending me a feeling of comfort and happiness. I chuckle before giving him a hug and I see another flash and look to see Alice with a sly smirk.

"Really Alice?" I say.

"It's for Bella's scrapbook." Alice says with a wink. I roll my eyes but smile.

Bella starts opening her gifts, but cuts her finger on the wrapping paper. I can feel Jasper stiffen as I do too. I try to keep a hold on Jasper even though my pupils are dilated. Jasper snarls and pushes me away. I hit the wall and stand up, putting my arm in front of my nose. I watch as Edward throws Jasper back, but also pushing Bella. Jasper hits the wall and Carlisle and Emmett tackle him to the ground. I go to help, but I slowly turn towards Bella as I smell her scent, but stronger. I growl and try to keep myself from jumping towards her, I grab Jasper and with the help of Emmett, we take him outside.

Once outside, Jasper starts to calm down, but my eyes are still dilated. I don't look at anyone as I try to calm myself down. Memories of my past flooding in and I keep quietly hissing. Jasper comes up to me with an understanding look and hugs me. My eyes widen, but soon tears start flowing as I hug him back.

"I'm sorry I pushed you." he whispers.

"It's fine Jasper. I'm not upset with you. I'm more upset with myself right now for letting her scent get to me." I say.

Jasper walks me to the hill, but we stand there for a while in silence. I quickly hug him, feeling like I have to. Jasper hugs me back, but surprises me by putting his face into my neck.

"Goodbye Y/n."

"Goodbye Jasper."

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