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Crown Prince never leaving his position.

He was sitting on a chair next to her bed inside Naeun's bedroom. As soon as James and the doctor left the room, he had been sitting there, staring at the sleeping girl on the bed. It was almost midnight in UK time, and he hadn't had any sleep since they had arrived in London.

"The doctor said Miss Naeun would be fine after getting the additional medicines and the IV drip. Now, you should sleep too. You still have another conference tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. If you don't want to take your sleeping meds, I will carry you to your bed and sing you lullabies—"

"I'll sleep here."


"I'll sleep here." Jaehyun repeated what he just said, his eyes never leaving Naeun who was sleeping peacefully now. The medicine and the IV drip would work to heal her, that was true. But Johnny, James, nor the doctor weren't there when Naeun was crying in her sleep. And Jaehyun noticed he could be the reason she was crying like that.

Plus, he couldn't bear to watch her like that, she was crying for God's sake and was having a fever to top it all of that. So, he decided to watch Naeun sleep that night. He didn't want to her to leave his sight.

Johnny on the other hand, couldn't say much things to the Crown Prince himself, he knew the man was falling for the girl but the look on Jaehyun's face that night was different. So, he asked for his permission to leave the room. "Well, as long as you'll have enough sleep, your Highness."

As the older man walked his way out of the girl's bedroom and pulled the door behind him, his eyes peeked at Jaehyun one more time... and he finally closed the door.


The third day of the conference finished in the afternoon, and Naeun couldn't stop smiling to herself that morning. When Jaehyun departed for the conference with Johnny, he said he would take her out for a London tour as the event wrapped up. And the girl couldn't wait for it.

"Naeun, let me check your eye shadow one more time. I'm not satisfied with the left one." A woman's voice was coming behind her when Naeun stood by the suite's huge window.

It was Jieun.

She was the one Jaehyun referred to when he said he was inviting someone from Korea to London for Naeun. She didn't complain at all, she was happy even more. Now she had someone accompanying her during her stay, and of course she had more help with her makeup, although there were some crews in London that were ready to help Naeun with her styling every day.

Obediently, Naeun turned her body facing the older woman who was then busy with her eye shadow palettes. "I heard you were sick since you arrived in London. That's why there are no pictures of you with the Crown Prince in London yet." She added. "People are talking about it on the internet. They were worried about you."

The girl was closing her eyes as she hid her bitter smile as she remembered the words, she read on the internet nights ago. She was glad to know there were still people who care about her beside her family. Her mother, and two older brothers video called her that morning, so she was feeling happier. Yet, Jieun's words reminded her of those anonymous people who left hateful comments for Naeun. And it was still haunting her.

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