She ran as quickly as she could with a wound on her back. She could hear Ghostfaces behind her. However her strength was fading away, she started slowing down. The faster Ghostface grabbed her by her shoulder and threw her into the wall. Chelsea gasped for an air as she tried to stand up. But it was no use. Second Ghostface walked in front of her and stabbed her multiple times in her stomach.

Her blood was everywhere.

Now she fully fell on the floor, blood coming out of her mouth, her stomach and her back. „Like parents like child." The taller Ghostface said. And both of them disappeared.


When Kirby woke up she quickly went to look for Chelsea. It wasn't hard to find her, all she had to do was to follow blood. When she found the poor girl she gasped. „Shit, Chelsea!" Kirby quickly ran to her and kneeled down. „You're gonna be okay, don't worry." Chelsea, who woke up, looked at her ex babysitter. „Kirby?" she whispered, she saw how Kirby tore a big piece of her shirt and tried to stop the bleeding. „Everything's gonna be okay..."

„No...Kirby... You have to," she hissed in pain. ,,go to help the others." Kirby looked at Chelsea. Both of them said nothing. „Go, I've got this. And please kill those motherfuckers!" Kirby nodded and stood up. „Don't you dare to die while I'm gone! Understand?" „Go!" Kirby ran to help the others and Chelsea stayed alone once again. „God I hate this!" she muttered.

After few seconds of thinking Chelsea tried to stand up. It was really hard due to her condition. She limped back to the room, where she was talking to Kirby before the attack and grab her phone from the floor. Wincing in pain as she did. „Shit that hurts..."

When she opened her phone she saw a couple missed calls. Lady in charge 🫡 ×12, The baddass aunt 🔥 ×6, Mindysaurus 🤓×6

She ignored it for now and called the police and ambulance. After she did that she limped her way to the main room. Where she saw Ethan running towards Sam and Tara with his knife raised at the girls. Chelsea quickly throw a TV on him, which was near her, knocking him out cold. Girls mouths widened making them turn towards the area where the Tv was thrown from to see Chelsea smiling at them. ,,Saw that in a scary movie once" Chelsea said with a smirk plastered on her face. Kirby stood up from the ground and walked next to Chelsea. „Shit Chelsea, what happened?!" Tara asked. When Chelsea looked at herself she understood immediately. She didn't have time before to look at herself. Her whole body was covered in her blood. Chelsea was standing up just thanks to the adrenaline, but it was quickly fading away. „You know. The usual..."

Then a sound of jingling was heard by all girls. A bunch of FBI, FEDS and police officer ran into the building with Danny behind them, when Samantha saw him she ran towards him.

Chelsea was getting looked at in a van as they wrapped up her stab wounds. ,,I have no idea, how are you still alive..." The man said as Chelsea looked at him ,,Guess I'm lucky..." She told him.

,,We're in this together now" Chelsea heard Kirby told Sam and Tara ,,We're a family" Sam finished off making Kirby smile before the sound of someone shouting caught their attention ,,We've got another one!" Someone yelled as Kirby, Sam and Tara turned in the direction to see Chad getting wheeled out ,,Who is it?" Chelsea asked the paramedic „Some boy." he answered her. Chelsea happily smiled. Chad survived. ,,Core fucking five!" Chelsea yelled out of the ambulance. All of them now stood in front of the ambulance Chelsea was in.

The sound of Mindy's voice could be heard running towards them. ,,Oh my god! Are you guys okay?" Mindy asked as she looked around ,,I know who the killers are! It's Bailey and Ethan“ Mindy said as they all looked at her ,,And Ouinn" Samantha said as Mindy went on rambling ,,And Ouinn? Fuck! Did I miss the monologue again?" Mindy said as she sighed in annoyance before Chad's gurney started to get pushed away. Mindy followed Chad into his ambulance.

All of them drove into the hospital.


„Hi, mom!" Chelsea greeted her mom, when nurses moved her hospital bed to her mother's room, so they could be together. „What the hell! Chelsea Tatum Weathers-Riley! I've called you million times and I've got no response! Nothing! Do you know how worried I was, when you didn't pick up your phone?! And now you're here on hospital bed and all you say is ,Hi, mom!'?" Gale finished scolding her daughter and took deep breath.

„What happened?! Are you okay?!" she started panicking again but was cut of by Chelsea. „Calm down, mom. I'm okay, don't worry! I'm sorry I didn't pick up my phone, I was really busy trying not to die." Chelsea said and rolled her eyes at the last sentence.

„Oh god... What happened?" said a voice from doors. Gale and Chelsea turned towards the door and saw Sidney. „Hi, aunt Sid!" Chelsea said with smiled. Sidney looked at them with worry in her eyes. „Sidney! What are you doing here?" Gale asked. Sidney moved and walked in front of theirs beds.

„I heard you're in hospital and Chelsea didn't pick up her phone, so I had to come. However I didn't know she was in hospital too... So what the fuck happened?" Sidney looked between the two of them. „You're not the only one she didn't pick up her phone... Now Chelsea, will you please finally tell me what happened?!"

Chelsea wished she was anywhere else in that moment. „Well..." The two older women raised their eyebrows. Chelsea had no other choice that to explain, that she was busy bleeding out on the floor, when they called her and that why she couldn't pick up her phone.


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