Taylor Hillridge

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You guys might recognize her name from the movie cyber bully. If you haven't I'll tell you the story if her life. She is a 16 year old girl in high school. High school is a really terrible place that's where a lot of bullying actions take place. So back to Taylor Hillridge. Okay let's start out how the movie starts. She talking to her friend Samantha Cook on her family's computer it is her birthday. S=Samantha T=Taylor
S:what color converse shoes are you wearing?
T:the red ones
S:ew gross
T:haha very funny
End of conversation. She goes to school and goes home. Her brother and her mom have birthday presents for her. Her mom got her a computer that was from her brother too. And her mom wouldn't let her have a computer cause of social networking. Now her mom will let her. She joins the social networking site clicksters. She goes to school the next morning she goes home gets on clicksters. This girl from school Lindsey Fordyce. She starts saying stuff like slut and whore by her. She writes poetry on her wall. She meets a guy named James. They start talking a lot. Then he post stuff in her wall saying she gave him STDs and that she slept with him and now she's pregnant. After that happens her other friend Cheyenne abandons her. Lindsey starts getting worse and her computer is like click click. Then her friend Samantha abandons her. Her crush sees the stuff online and they don't talk anymore. Later on in the movie you figure out Samantha was posing as James. Taylor goes home after Samantha abandons her. She posts a video she says. I'm the real Taylor Hillridge. I don't know why everybody hates me so much. But I'm starting to see because right now I hate myself too. Right now I don't even see the reason for trying or for talking or for breathing. I'm just done. So that's it I guess. Bye. That's the end of the video. Her friend Samantha sees the video and calls Taylor. Her brother was one of the ones posting mean comments. Taylor doesn't pick up. Samantha calls kris which is her mom and says. I think something wrong with Taylor she posted this video on the internet and she's not answering her phone and I'm really freaking out. Samantha says. Samantha slow down I can't understand you. I think she is trying to kill herself. Samantha says. Oh my gosh. Kris says. Samantha is in her car and on her way to Taylor's house she gets there before Taylor's mom. She goes in the garage Taylor she yells. She goes into the main house. Where's Taylor? She asks Taylor brother. How am I supposed to know I'm grounded. Taylor she goes to the stairs and yells. Meanwhile outside kris just arrived and so has an ambulance. Samantha goes upstairs to Taylor's room and finally finds her in the bathroom trying to het the cap of the pills. They are screaming and yelling and her brother and her mom go up the stairs.

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