Chapter 2: Out of Prison

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At prison, Stefan and his friends were having a deep conversation about a plan to finally escape after those hellish years of being stuck in jail. They missed feeling the sun shining on their skin and taking back what they deserve. Stefan lamented more.

Stefan: I hate this place so much already.

Stefan: We should find a way to escape because Brady is waiting for me. We can't stay here any longer.

Stefan: I should be having an extravagant life instead of wasting it in some poor jail.

Kade: How will we get out? The jailers are always monitoring our every move.

Roger: I think sneaking out is a very idiotic option.

Kade: Brady must be all grown up and intelligent to understand he needs his dad. He must miss you so much too.

Stefan: Just thinking how sad he felt not seeing his real dad in person for so many years fuels my heartbreak.

Stefan: We have to devise an escape plan. I won't let some peasant of a jailer control my highness like this.

Stefan: Time is ticking and I'm not getting any younger. I will win Christa back and raise Brady with her once we get out.

A few days later, Brady and his entire family already arrived inside a house near a beach island in Sulani. The beach house was small but cozy and easy on the eyes.

Brady: Everything looks amazing. I'm going to unpack my bags first.

Christa: You're right, honey. This house is so nice and relaxing.

Hugo: I'll bring our other bags inside as well. Need help with anything, Brady?

Brady: No, I'm fine dad. I'll bring everything to my empty room.

Brady went to his room and changed into his swimsuit and became shirtless. His family were planning to spend quality time near the shore at the beach and have fun in the water real soon.

Brennan: Walked in Brady's room and said. Dude, I can't wait to swim!

Brady: Haha I haven't done so either in a long time. I think I will choke you in the water first.

Brennan: No, I'll make sure to get away before you do.

Brady: With a smirk. Let's see what you'll do once I catch you.

Brennan: Smirked back. I wouldn't keep your head high if I were you. I'm not that easy to scare.

Brady: You bet. Just don't cry when I do scare you.

Christa and Hugo were swimming together in the ocean and they lovingly embraced each other. Christa was wearing a short white bikini and Hugo only wore a black and white swimsuit and sunglasses to look hot. Shortly after, they rested next to each other sitting on the ground covered with sand.

Christa: Haven't visited the ocean in a long time, sweetheart. I'm glad we eventually decided to come here.

Hugo: Me too, Christa. We needed this break and our boys love it too.

Christa: I'm so relieved Brady grew up to be a man with a heart of pure gold and a pure soul.

Christa: He reminds me nothing of the devil within that man.

Hugo: I still feel extremely bad about what I tried to make you do when you had him.

Hugo: But he's exactly the opposite of Stefan.

Christa: Look at him now. He's a good person because of us.

Christa: I'm very happy he didn't inherit any psychopathic genes from his so-called dad.

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