s t u p i d i t y

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(Author note:
Been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry i took such a long hiatus, seeing all your comments on gmail made me come back😭🩷 also i changed the name of the chapter because i don't know what type of puzzle i was trying to piece a couple months ago💀 my writing style changed over the months so i apologize if this sounds weird unlike the rest of my chapters, i might give this fanfic a makeover whenever i'm free to do so)

-Y/N's POV-

Osamu and I left the port mafia building, i stared at him, admiring his rather attractive face.

"Stop staring at me like that, it's too flattering, darling." he said before he turned his eyes to me, a smug grin on his face.

I slapped his mouth "Get that smug grin right off your face!" I laughed, and so did he. He knew I could never mean harm, never, not to him. And I knew the same, he could never harm me.

Happy adults and children filled the streets, some students out on study sessions, life was going fantastic for them, I rested my head on Osamu's arm, admiring the beauty of him, as well as the beauty of the people.

As we reached our destination, the big red bricked building, I looked at Osamu "Osamu, could i just.." I paused, and he made eye contact with me "enter in casually after they thought I died? That'd be insensitive." I sighed.

Osamu let go of me, looking at me "And how are you supposed to enter, exactly?" he asked "How do you want to enter?"

My E/C eyes only stared back at his brown ones, his gaze full of meaning, so full they made me unable to keep eye contact with them, I looked down at the concrete ground below me.

A finger got under my chin and softly pushed it upward "Look at me, love." I'm forced to look back up, his gaze now holding a gentler look to them, a warm gaze is staring at me, and I find no words to speak.

Osamu sighed "You can't not enter, you know?" his tone gentle, his gaze gentler, how does someone like him exist? and how am I, of all girls in Japan, deserving of him?

I finally answered his question from earlier "I don't know "How should I enter? After the emotional distress I put all of you in!" My voice's pitch increased, vision getting blurry, hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

Osamu wiped my tears, but they kept coming "Hey hey now, can't break down in public, can you?" he said in an attempt to calm me down, but I couldn't, the burden was simply too much to carry.

Osamu, instead of leading me to the agency, led me to his house (the dormitory thing they have going on idk), and sat me down on his futon, getting me water while i tried to calm myself down.

But all effort gone into that went to waste, as it worsened my state.

Osamu came back to see the hot mess that was me, he rushed over to my side, putting the glass near my lips "Can you drink this?" he asked, and I nodded.

I held it in my shaking hands, but handed it back to him immediately, due to my hands making water drop here and there, Osamu then tilted the cup to my lips, and I drank it.

I felt myself calm down tremendously, sighing softly, I rested my head on Osamu's chest, closing my eyes.

-3RD person pov-

Dazai felt Y/N's body weight upon him increase, and her aura change, he smiled to himself as he held her, and he laid down.

He looked at her, damp cheeks, long eyelashes, and out like a baby. How could someone as corrupt as himself get with someone as perfect as her? that was a question Dazai asked himself almost every time he talked to his beloved, and how gently she replied to him, as if her words were coated with honey.

He looked at her tear-stained red cheeks, and ran his hand across her cheek, seeing her sigh softly made him smile "Gosh, you're so stupid, why would you ever think that you're a hassle for others? you should know how everyone in the agency was eager to see you, even if it was near impossible at that time, dear."

- end of chapter -

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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