LOG 1 - Development

Start from the beginning

Nikal: Yes ma'am! - She holds the bowl of rye sauce from the table uncarefully

Nikal carried the bowl at the right moment only to accidently spilled it on the carpet. She then stares at Tori in embarrassment and awkwardness.

Tori: N-nikal..?

Natasha: What's that? - She asks right after that tragic moment

Nikal's heart almost stopped then managed to calm herself and ran to the bathroom.

Nikal: Oopsie. I-I'll go clean it, no worries! - Nikal felt embarrassed and awkward

Tori: pats Nikal's shoulder It's alright, pooker...

Natasha walks into the place where Nikal was about to bring the bowl of rye sauce and found the rye sauce spilled on the carpet, then started to feel upset.

Natasha: Ak nē... (Oh no...). Meita("daughter" in Latvian), can you please clean up the carpet for me? - She advised her, again

Tori: Sure, mom!

Tori ran to the bathroom then puts her finger on her chin and thinks about something.

Tori: Huh... 10 years without a stain, then we moved our home next to Nox Plaza. That's mysterious... - She thought to herself

Few minutes pass by, after they cleaned the carpet, Tori decided to turned on the TV to watch some news.

Tori: Yayyy TV shows time!!!

The news turns out not very normal. It's kinda unexpected that there's a break-in in Nox Plaza, where the unknown gangs show up and breaking things up. Uh oh, there must be a crime!

Nikal gradually stares at Tori.

Nikal: Tori?

Tori chuckles as she stands up.

Tori: ...Let's be "wizarding".

Nikal: Got it! - She thumbs at her

Tori starts to dress as a wizard, or as known as her battlesuit. She jumps outside the window and flies to the plaza, as Nikal watches her through the pendant on Tori's neck.

After arriving at the plaza, Tori get closer to the plaza before landing down.

Tori: So what did you see?

Nikal: Nox Plaza is not very fine at all, and there's a broken window you can go inside to check if you're considering. - She advised her

Tori: Alrighty, almost there!

Tori lands next to the reactor in the middle of the plaza. She saw an advertisement board next to the building.

Tori: Wait, what's that?

It was just an advertisement board with the icon and the name: "Nox". And it's like Nakuri 2.0 but upgraded.

Tori: Weird... Nox? Sounds dumb but this is the first time I heard this. Did they just build it? - She thought to herself

Suddenly, a breaking sound inside a plaza makes Tori just remember her task. She started to fly to the window and went inside the generator where the machines were stored in the plaza.

It's dark in here except for some techs brightly blinking.

Tori: This is the generator.

She then looked at the generator screen and noticed the keyword "Biologic".

Tori: Huh? They searched for Biologic. Why for? - She asks with confusion

It was getting and slowly started to feel dangerous in her mind. Suddenly, some of the "bandits", who wore a mask with weird headwear showed up from behind her and...

Tori : Wait, why do I feel like someone is...

Tori looked behind her shoulder and unexpectly got attacked right after she tilted her head, made her flew outside the window.

After Tori got thrown to the ground, the bandit started to wield a gun and point at her to threaten her. Tori thought they look weak but she understimated them. There are a lot of bandits that are teen-like and holding biotech weapons. Their mask and headwear completely cover their face, and their headwear has an emotional screen that has been shown, and it's like—robotic gangs. Looks like they're ready to attack her.

Tori: Uh oh... - She chuckled awkwardly

Tori couldn't focus but when a bandit almosstarted to have a battle with the bandits for hours. The more she fights, the more bandits show up on the upper floor. The battle becomes more confusing and confusing. On her voicecall, Nikal unexpectly calls her.

Nikal: Yo, you're literally fighting with the gangsters. You 'k? - She asks with concern while hearing some random painful noises from the bandits

Tori: I'm fine. sounds of breaking and grunting Ever wondered who are these gangs? - The breaking noises get too real...

Nikal: Let's see..... Researching.... Researching.... Researching.......... Eh, collection failed. I have no idea who they are. - She got even more concerned as she keep hearing the noises

Tori: Impossible... Alrighty, maybe one day I'll- Sound of a bandit painfully screams find out today. - The sound of breaking bones can be heard 💀

Nikal: Ayos, dude. ("alright" in Filipino) - Nikal later disconnected on her voicecall and started to question to reality about what the actual fridge she did to the bandits

Few moments later, Tori defeated all the bandits freshly in the plaza, she check around the place and saw the map. Maybe there's more Nox labs around the city?

Tori: More labs around the city, huh. - She thought to herself

Suddenly, Nox security guards arrived at the plaza ready to arrest some bandits.

Nox Sec. Guards: Neutralizing BioWrek, now! They got surronded. - Some of them said

Tori raised her eyebrow after heard that tremendous name.

Tori: BioWrek? Is that the name of that gang? Very interesting.

She lands on the top of the plaza roof and fly away while looking down at the chaos.

Tori: Better check it up tomorrow! - She thought with confidence

She flew to her home safely after found all the evidences from the plaza. But won't never knew what does Nox use for.


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