chapter 3

28 5 29

(group chat!)
(nialler - Niall
lou - Louis
li - Liam
ringo - Zayn
haz - Harry)

Unnamed Group Chat

Haz: hello

Haz: reply

Haz: guys I literally see that you're online, and Niall, you literally posted on tiktok a second ago

Nialler: oh hi

Haz: hii

Nialler: so why'd ya text?

Haz: why? Why can't I text my friends?

Nialler: true. But you usually text when you need something.

Haz: ok, I do, but the rest of the boys need to be online.

Li: hello. I was just watching this conversation.

Ringo: who the fuck made my name ringo

Haz: meeeeee

Ringo: Harold change it back right now

Lou: nah leave it, it's cool.

bbb: ok, this name's better.

Lou: what the fuck does bbb mean? Baby boy's butt?

Nialler: Lou what the fuck? Are you kinky? Or horny? Or both?

Lou: Ni, my sex life and kinks are none of your business.

Li: i dunno Lou, seems like you got a lil' bit of a daddy / spanking kink

bbb: yeah, I side with Ni and Li on this.

Haz: i left for 2 minutes to get my cookies and all of a sudden we're talking about Louis' kinks. Fun.

Nialler: Haz, you already know about his kinks, don't you? ;)

Haz: ok Ni, first, never ever ever wink at me ever again. Second, why are you so involved in our sex lives? Go get one of your own.

Lou: fr.

Li: are you lads thinking what I'm thinking?

bbb: yup.

Nialler: yup.

Haz: what are you guys thinking..

Nialler: you never denied it.

Lou: Niall James Horan, I swear to god, if you don't fucking stop talking about our sex lives in the next two seconds, I will personally go to Nando's and tell them to ban you.

Nialler: I'M SORRY.

Li: well that was lame.

Lou: zayn, what does bbb stand for.

bbb: bradford bad boy

Lou: typical.

Li: REMEMBER WHEN HE USED TO SAY "im a Bradford bad boy yo"

Lou: "lOu sTaWp i DoNt eVeN sAy tHaT aNyMoRe"

Lou: fetus zayn was so quirky.

bbb: can you guys stop talking like tiktok girls.

Haz: anyways, I texted on this to tell y'all an idea.

Nialler: whats the idea?

Haz: so today's September 28th, right?

Lou: oh yeah. It is.


Lou: this is my first time hearing you cuss.

Nialler: same

bbb: same

Li: same

Haz: i can cuss.

Lou: do it.

Haz: fuck.

Li: Harry, that was lame.

bbb: leave him alone damn. He doesn't want to cuss cause he believes in tpwk.

Nialler: this is why people believe in Zarry. ^^^^

bbb: Niall.. i'm straight.

Nialler: yeah I know. I'm a larrie. But I was saying thats why the morons ship zarry.

Lou: you're a what?

Nialler: I have said too much. Goodbye.

Li: bye

bbb: peace.

Haz: byeeee

Lou: bye ig.

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