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I woke up this morning getting pains in my stomach and pelvis, I thought it was just Braxton Hicks so I didn't tell Alex because I didn't think it was important. We were on our way to our stargazing date when the pain started to get worse. I hissed and grabbed Alex's hand. He looked over at me, worried and stopped the car. He rubbed my back as I groaned through the pain.

Alex: What's wrong? What hurts? Do I need to take you to the hospital?

Triss: I'm fine, Alex.

Alex: You don't look it, babe.

Triss: I'm...I'm ok.

Alex gave me a sympathetic look and kissed my cheek. He started driving and I squeezed his hand now and again from the absurd shooting pains and aches. When we got there, we got out the picnic blanket and laid it down on the floor. We snuggled up close to each other and looked at the stars.

Triss: I love you, Alex.

Alex: I love you too.

We had been married for a few months but together for 4 years. I was 32 weeks pregnant with a beautiful baby boy.

Alex: We still haven't chosen a name.

Triss: I kn- OW! OW! OW!

I shot up out of our position and held my stomach, heavily breathing in and out. Alex grabbed my hand and cupped my cheek in his hand.

Alex: That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital.

Triss: No...Alex...Pl-ple...I'm fine.

Alex: No you're not!

Triss: It's just Braxton Hicks, I'm fine.

Alex sighed before picking me up and putting me back in the car. I sighed in defeat as I thought we were going to the hospital. I watched as he put the picnic blanket in the trunk and got in the car. Surprisingly, he drove us home. He carried me into our house and into the bathroom. He ran a bath and started taking off my clothes. I held him, exhausted and in pain as he finally took the last piece of my clothing off. He put me in the bath, grabbing the shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair. I relaxed as soon as I felt his fingers massage the soapy shampoo into my hair. I hummed in delight as he rinsed it out and started doing the same with the conditioner. Alex's fingers untangled my knotty hair making me lightly moan at the nice feeling. He smiled and kissed my temple, knowing he could release some of the pain. I jolted a little as a shooting pain ran through my legs and pelvis. Alex continued to rinse out my hair and then started kneading my shoulders. I moved my hand up to reach the back of his neck and rubbed his head as he worked his magic on my shoulders. Grabbing the sponge, he poured some soap on it and rubbed it in. I soon felt a soft surface touch my back, realising it was the sponge. He continued washing me and then got me out. I kissed his lips as he wrapped the towel around me. I sat on his lap, cuddling him and nuzzling my head into his neck. Once I was dry, he left me to get changed myself. Just as I was about to put my top on, the last thing I had to put on, I felt like something popped inside of me. I felt a liquid oozing down my thighs and looked down to see the ruby-red blood. I started panicking and shaking, whilst crying.

Triss: ALEX!?

Alex came rushing through the bathroom door, looking at me, blood on my pj shorts and thighs. His mouth opened slightly and he looked at me with teary eyes.

Alex: Oh...Baby.

I couldn't stop shaking until he walked over and rubbed my arms, holding me in his own.

Triss: A-Ale...Alex, I'm so...sorry.

My sobs were stopping my ability to speak clearly. I felt Alex's grasp leave me and then felt a wet towel wiping my thighs. I held onto his shoulders, crying even more.

Alex: Shhh...it's ok, it'll be alright...

After he stopped, he washed his hands and I washed mine. He got me some new pj shorts and kissed my forehead. Wiping the tears streaming down my face, he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Alex then stroked my cheek with his palm as my sobs continued.

Triss: I...I'm sorry, this is my f-fa-fault.

Alex: It's no one's fault, Triss, it's gonna be ok...it'll get better.

I sobbed into his chest, my palms laying on his broad shoulders. I felt his hands rub up and down my sides and then him picking me up. He carried me to our bedroom and set me down on the bed. I turned away from him, staring at the wall, slowly going numb. He picked up his phone and called someone, scheduling an appointment to get the baby out tomorrow. Soon after he stopped talking, I felt a dip in the bed and the cover being peeled away from my face. Soft knuckles grazed my face before my hair was pushed off of my head. Alex's arm wrapped around me and his body pressed against my back. I turned to face him and stared into his eyes.

Triss: I'm sorry.

Alex: Why?

Triss: For acting as if it's only me sad. You lost the baby too.

Alex cocked his head to one side, tears in his eyes.

Alex: It's fine.

Triss: No it's not.

A tear streamed down his face and he slapped it away. I scooted up so he could lay his head against my chest. I clinged onto his head with my arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. Soft sniffles were heard from him as he rubbed up and down my thigh. A few silent tears came from my eyes too and I let out a sigh. Why do bad things always have to happen to us?

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