Mrs Kent (part 2)

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(This will be a slightly shorter chapter, but maybe a little morbid and bloody, so if you can't stand that kind of thing, just skip it. Have a nice day :)

Gotham, Wayne Manor 8.30 am

I wanted to get into the driver's seat, but Clark stopped me. "I'll drive and you'll finally get some sleep. Smallville is three hours away" he said and he took the keys from me.

I sighed resignedly and got in behind him. Diana sat on the other side and Dick in the middle. Martha sat in next to her son and we left the estate.

I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't lean back against the seat because my back hurt. I tried to turn on my side. I pressed my forehead against the window and closed my eyes. An hour later I woke up to Dick yelling.

"Clark, stop the car!" he shouted as Clark applied the brakes. Everybody looked at him questioningly, but he was staring at me. 
"Dick, what's the problem?" I asked, but he shook his head.
"Get out from the car" he said and he pointed to the fields through the window.
"But why?"
"Just do it!" he shouted again, so I opened the car's door and stepped out. Dick and the others are followed me.

My back hurt even more and I just remembered that I didn't bring painkillers with me. I turned around to examine the place and then I heard the scared shouts. I turned back to them immediately.

"Bruce, what have you done with your back?" Clark said standing behind me and he tried to look under my shirt to examine my wounds but stopped when I winced in pain as he touched me.
"Wait, I got the first aid kit from the car. Maybe we should cut off his clothes. It'll be less painful" Dick said and he looked at me. "I hope you don't mind" he started to cut off my clothes. Suddenly I stood shirtless in the middle of winter. At least my blood gave me some warmth (I know, it's really morbid, sorry about that).
"It doesn't look very good, my dear" Martha said and I saw Diana turn pale.
"How many shards?" I asked as I remembered my accident with the glass. Now I know why it hurt so much.
"Four, oh wait! Five" Dick said, looking at my back.
"Can you pull them out?" I asked looking at them, but they all turned pale from this quetion. "Come on, I can't reach all of them, especially that I don't see them. One of you have to do it or we can just sit back in the car and when we arrive I'll pull them out" I looked at them annoyed because of the cold and this meaningless situation.
"I'll do it" Dick said and he stepped behind me.
"Dick, are you sure?" Diana asked, but she looked like she's going to throw up. I didn't blame her. She's not used to it.
"Yes, but I'll need help"
"I'll help you" Clark said and he stepped next to the boy.

The shards were slick with my blood and Dick's hands were shaking a little. It hurt more than doing it myself, but I didn't say anything. I stood there shirtless for forty minutes, then they made a bandage out of my old clothes. At least it gave me warmth and my back didn't hurt as much without the splinters. I'll thank Dick later and teach him how to do it properly next time.

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