Moving In

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AN: Fall 2022. From the prompt "Have you seen my jacket?" Also some fun Echolalia in this chapter.

"Have you seen my jacket?"

"My hat. Where's my hat? I forgot it." Richelle quotes, entirely unhelpfully. Although thankfully it's followed by, "Which one?"

"Any of them. I'll even take one of yours or Jacquie's. I swear I haven't been able to find anything recently. We tripled the number of people living here, but somehow all our stuff seems to have disappeared."

Richelle looks around and spots one of her abandoned hoodies on the couch. She tosses it over and giggles when it lands on his head. "We'll try to unpack some more while you're at work." She presses up on her toes to kiss him before he leaves. "I love you, see you when you get home."

"Love you too Riche."


Truthfully, she doesn't get much done on her own. She gets one box somewhat unpacked but the clothes only make it from the box to the bed and not to the dresser or the closet. They're at least organized into piles. Although they don't make much sense as Jacquie points out to her when she gets home.

That's still a weird concept, home being with her partners here in New York rather than with Nat in Toronto. Of course they had (both together and separately) visited Noah before moving out here, but now they're actually living here. It almost feels wrong to not be living with her sister, even though she lived with their parents for longer.

But when Jacquie gets home she unpacks her own boxes and then at least all the bedroom boxes are dealt with. And are mostly put away even. Which should help Noah's jacket problem.

In the kitchen they have a system though that helps keep things slightly more organized. Despite often borrowing (stealing) each other's hoodies, within a few days of living together they realized there were a few things they absolutely didn't want to share. It's mostly clothes, but Richelle has a few coffee mugs and water bottles that she'd prefer didn't get used in Jacquie's kitchen experiments, and she suspects that Noah does too. They each get a dedicated shelf in one of the cabinets, decorated with a little color-coded sticker; green for Noah, pink for Jacquie, and blue for herself. Jacquie can use anything that's not on a green or blue shelf for whatever experiments she wants. They'll probably expand the system to the rest of the apartment eventually, but the kitchen was definitely the first place it needed to be implemented.

AN: Mini contest for this chapter, details on tumblr @livebloggingkidshows pinned post. The color-coding originally came from a tumblr post I believe. I used the idea before in a HSMTMTS one-shot.

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