Of Crash Mats and Calamity

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AN: January/February 2011. The story behind Richelle bringing the entire stack of crash mats down on top of her.

The first time Richelle goes into the crash mat closet she knows she needs to climb it. But she can't do it now, she's supposed to be putting the mats they've been using for class away with Noah and Camille, and then they're going straight back to class.

But she knows that her parents aren't picking her up right after class. So when it ends only ten minutes later she navigates her way back to the closet. She gauges the height of the two stacks, I can make it, she thinks to herself.

She's not proud of what happens next. But the stack is a little less stable than she was expecting. Yeah, that's what she's going to tell people. Definitely not that she misjudged how tall it was. She didn't quite make her jump high enough and while she got her arms on top of the stack she couldn't grab onto anything and pull herself the rest of the way up.

The top mat sliding off she understands, what she doesn't understand is the three underneath it falling as well and suddenly being buried under four heavy crash mats. She's hoping that someone heard the yelp she let out as she fell because she can't easily push all four mats off of her.

"Is someone in here?" Emily! She hears the door open and her second sister.

"Help!" Richelle calls out, wiggling a little trying to dislodge the mats more.

Soon though the weight lifts and she sees Emily looking down at her, shaking her head. "Are you okay?"

"Just a few bruises I think. Thanks for rescuing me."

AN: Tiny Richelle maybe doesn't make the best decisions. (And let's be real, grown up Richelle doesn't make great decisions either.)

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