It didn't matter anyway... did it?...

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Hi guys so I had the sudden motivational boost to make a very angsty oneshot and give you ABSOLUTELY NO FLUFF afterwords, thank me later, so here ya go! Also, I know I'm the best,

As the days passed, Tubbo only wished everything was normal, looking at the graves of his son and husband, knowing... there is no way they'll actually come back...

Tubbo continued to build the house he'd been working on, ever since... Aimsey, to the mansion, grumbled to himself, knowing no one would hear him anyway, but why? Why did this all have to happen? Why did he have to lose... everything?... he felt slight tears prick in his eyes as he bit his lip to stop them, letting out a shaky, unsteady breath. He hadn't been on in days and never planned to, but he decided he may at least finish the house. Everyone welcomed him kindly, well... except for... Ranbo- Ghostboo. He hadn't been on in months, nor did he want to be on, knowing all the trauma this server has caused him... He just hated everything about it, e-even Tommy! He hated everything! EVERYTHING! He kicked the wall he was working on in a fit of anger, breathing heavily as strong emotions sprung through him. He sniffled as his hands feel limp to his sides. ''Why?...'' He croaked. ''Why did they have to leave me?...'' he said in a hushed tone. He wiped the tears that slowly dripped down his face. ''It's not fair..'' He continued. 'Oh, Tubbo...' A deep, emotionless voice spoke.

'It is fair.'

'This would have never happened,'

'If you would have listened to techno...'

'Now would it have?...'

Tubbo paused.

''What?...'' He mumbled. ''What- what do you mean?...'' He repeated, ''No- no- none of this is my fault- right?...''

'Oh... But it is... Techno tried to stop Ranboo, tried to stop you... but neither of you listened..'

'It's all your fault...'

''No- no- No! None- none of this is my fault- I didn't do anything- it's HIS fault-'' Tubbo said loudly as if talking to someone, who doesn't exist... ''I-i- I! didn't do ANYTHING!'' He screamed, tears rolling down his face. ''I-it's HIS fault- I-i never tried to tell him to go- But I DID TRY to stop him!'' Tubbo screamed, 

<Ranboo>: Tubbo, are you ok?

Tubbo noticed the message but ignored it. 

'Your so stubborn Tubbo... you know it's your fault..'

''IT'S NOT MY FAULT!'' He screamed one last time, the voices in his head going haywire from all his emotions. ''JUST STOP! STOP IT!'' He yelled, kicking the wall again. ''STOP! STOP STOP STOP!! JUST FUCKING STOP IT!'' He kicked and punched the wall, ''Stop it...'' He mumbled, crumbling to the floor, holding his bruised and bleeding hand that was shaking just ever so slightly. 


<Ranboo>: Tubbo, are you ok?

<Ranboo>: Tubbo??? Helloo?

Tubbo ignored him though, mourning quietly, the only time he has ever mourned even above a soft whimper-ish cry was when Tommy died, but after that, he just got used to losing people, even his family.

Suddenly Ghostboo teleported to Tubbo, ''Oh Tubbo....'' he mumbled, kneeling down in front of him. He pulled him into his arms, ''No- DON'T touch me!'' Tubbo snapped, shoving him away, Ghostboo looked a bit taken back and hurt by this but remained calm. ''Tubbo... please...'' He said softly, holding his hand out to him, which he just smacked away harshly. ''Don't touch me.'' He growled. Ghostboo was getting slightly frustrated at his behavior. ''Tubbo, I'm trying to help!'' He said, anger evident in his voice. ''Nothing YOU can do will EVER help me,'' Tubbo snarled coldly. Ghostboo had enough of his rudeness towards him. ''Tubbo you need to stop!'' He yelled, standing up. Tubbo is raged. ''ME?! NO, YOU NEED TO STOP,'' He yelled louder, standing up and slightly shoving Ghostboo back. ''WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?!'' Ghostboo screamed. ''YOU LEFT ME!'' Tubbo's voice cracked slightly. ''I DID IT FOR ARE SON TUBBO, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT!'' He shoved Tubbo back a bit harshly, causing him to fall over and hit his head, whimpering slightly. ''WELL, IT DIDN'T SEEM TO WORK DID IT?!'' He yelled, slight tears rolling down his face. Ghostboo is taken back. ''YOU, NEVER, NEVER, GET TO TALK ABOUT THAT!'' He yelled, towering over Tubbo. Tubbo seemed a bit scared at his size, ''YOU CAN'T JUST FORGET IT RANBOO!'' He yelled, after realizing what he said, he covered his mouth with his hand. Ghostboo is shocked. ''What?...'' He mumbled, stepping back from him. ''J-just go, GO!'' He yelled, yet Ghostboo obeyed with one last sad glance he teleported away, and Tubbo logged off, he was done for the day... Maybe even a week.. or month... or a few months...

Hi guys, hope you somehow liked this angsty chapter, also, this is my AU where Michael also died, uh idk what else so bye

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