Ender walk

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Tubbo woke up to loud mumbling and walking. He groaned. ''Ranboo what are you doing?...'' He rolled over again. An enderman hiss was heard. Tubbo jumped up, ''Ranboo?'' He looked around and found him on the floor? He rubbed his eyes. He pulled himself out of bed and closer to Ranboo, who hissed in return. ''No-no it's ok'' Tubbo put his hands up to show he meant no harm. The tall' figure's tail swept the floor. Tubbo smiled softly. He noticed that Ranboo had a large gash in his paw. His smile soon faded. He slowly walked up to Ranboo, the enderman getting tense. ''It's ok, can I look at your paw?'' He said softly. The enderman obeyed and put out their paw in the direction of Tubbo. He carefully picked it up and examined the wound before helping the enderman get up and walk to the bathroom. He sat them on the toilet and looked in the cabinets. He found the bandages and ointment. He smiled to himself and turned back to ranboo who was playing with the shower curtain. Tubbo chuckled and grabbed their paw again, they stopped to look at them. ''This may hurt a little ok?'' Tubbo said as he put the ointment on his hand. The enderman tilted his head. Tubbo sighed and slowly put some on the wound, The enderman lacthed out, almost catching Tubbo's arm. The shorter jumped. His hands slightly shook, I mean he was his husband but he had right to be scared of him. He put the rest of the ointmeant on and began to wrap the wound tightly. Suddenly the enderman placed their paw on his shoulder, he jumped and finished wrapping the wound quickly. The enderman got up quickly, Tubbo flinched and shielded his face, I mean he has attacked him before plenty of times. But what he had expected never came, no bite nor hit came, but instead he was brought into a hug. He was tense but soon calmed down and hugged back, the endermans tail wrapped around him to hold him there. Tubbo chuckled as minutes went by. ''Boo, we have to go to bed.'' He mumbled into their chest. The enderman hissed. Tubbp pried himself out of his beloveds arms and pulled him over to the bed. He shoved them down (not like that-) and then crawled onto the other side. The enderman snorted, they're tail lashing around. Tubbo sighed and turned over to face his beloved, the enderman smiled softly.  Tubbo was pulled closer to the enderman, who purred softly. Soon they both drifted to sleep, they just wanted cuddles.  

Hi everyone, sorry about the short chapter im thinking abot taking a break to rest my back so it will heal faster but I might not depending on how I feel, I hope this wasn;t to much angst and fluff?

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