Far From the Beginning

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"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."

- Louis L'Amour

"...and so they fell in love. Love is a sneaky thing, always slipping in and out of the cracks from where we try to hold it in. Nothing can keep love in. Love is what makes humans what they are; it causes envy, and greed, and wrath upon those who dare get in the way of the evil beings who have been overcome by the dastardly..." 

My teacher always had a way with words when it came to love. It's probably from the fact that she can't seem to keep a guy for more than a few weeks, but it's not her fault. What she says is mostly true, though. Love does slip through the cracks that you try to cover up and somehow gets away from you before you even know it's gone. Sometimes I wish that I had a love life like the ones that we read in Literature. The way the guy always ends up doing anything for the woman because he just wants her that bad.  

Sorta like Romeo and Juliet. I don't want to die in the end - oh no - but I do want the love that they shared. Love at first sight is not what I'm actually looking for, but it will do if I can stop being so lonely with my low level love life. Love is a mysterious thing; it knows no boundaries and can be found in any place at any time. Love is what lets us live, breathe, move on with daily life, and die.

Alright, maybe I don't want a love like that. It might get too mushy and lovey-dovey after awhile of having it going on. I want a guy, that no matter what happens, stays who he is through our relationship. Yes, I know I could find a guy like that - most guys are already like that it's just their personality is that of a jerk. What I want is a guy like - 

"Well class, it seems that we have a new student today!" 

I want a guy like -  

"Everyone, please welcome Tyson Pennant. He's a transfer student from Europe..." 

I want a guy like -! 

"Tyson, please, sit anywhere you like." 

Wait, who's Tyson? </p>

With what small bit of brain cells I had left in my head from drinking way too much of my dad's coffee this morning, I turned to watch as a ginger-haired boy - no - man walk near the back of the room for an empty seat. What I wanted was a guy like him; no if, ands, or buts about it. This Tyson guy - who I think Ms. Shelly, said was from Europe? - was mine. I had already called dibs on him, and there were no cheerleaders or jocks going to take him away from me.  

I'm a very possessive girl, okay?

The cafeteria of E.B. Jacque High School was the either your haven or your hell. To me, it was both. All my friends and I had claimed a table in the far back right corner all to ourselves in freshmen year. Many things had happened at this table since we first claimed it those three years ago. It's where I was told one of my cousins, Megan, had moved to New York, it was where I got to eat my first lunch as a sixteen year old - that was a very big time for me since that was also the same day I got my first car . 

This table was ours. We had old chewed up bubble gum on the bottom up it. Currently, we were trying to make our names, but somehow we either run out of bubble gum or have to swallow it in class so we don't get detention.  

"'O' Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?'" I say as I sit down. My tray of - did that just move? - school food sloshing around. Everyone squeals like the little girls and piggies they are to try and get away from it. I only roll my eyes, a usual thing to see me do since a bunch of my friends were nowhere near as tough I was, and start to eat whatever sandwich they gave me today. It maybe horrible, but food is food.  

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