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Did I failed not to die before im dead?


*Pip* *pip* *pip*

my body slowly started to come back to life

*Pip* *pip*

when it was over i tried to open my eyes halfway and waited until my focus turned against itself


I looked around the room a bit blurry and saw a figure in the room

"Hello?" my voice was fr like i just got up from the dead

"Ah ur awake perfect" he walked to me than I realized that it was a doctor

"Tell me, how do you feel?"


"... okay.. do you remember anything that happend?"

"N-no" I shook my head

"Well ur teammates found you bleeding in the car, someone stabbed you in the neck, good thing they found you fast so we were abel to fix you befor you could lose too much blood"

I looked into the wall and back to him

"Were they at?"

"They were here, waited for you but we couldn't keep them here because of space reasons, but one person stayed "

"Really? Can he come?" I said hopping it's leo

"Ofc sir but befor I do have to talk to you what I don't think you want others to hear...we did some test on you and *cough* we saw that ur under....drugs.
And also the police found this in ur bag"  He put the can on the table next to me


"Of course were not allowed to, but it would be best if we or you inform your coach. We will also recommend you to go to therapy"

"No need, if I wanna stop, I can"

the doctor looked at me suspiciously but left the topic fall

He left then the room leaves me alone with myself

What actually happened?

I was in the car...after the argument with..leo

the thought alone makes me so sad Even if I just want to see him right now I know it would break my heart again

But who was it in the car with me?
Luis. it could only be him he wanted me not to come close to lionel.

he must have seen me and lionel arguing. But how did he get into the car so fast?

my attention left straight to the door that just opened, oh pls it's leo.

But no.It wasn't leo or luis

"Missed me?"

Oh hell nah, not this guy again


"Well to bad, as ur bodyguard it's my job to be with and protected you 24/7" he came closer to me

"Oh for real then where were you when i almost DIED??"

"Shut ur pretty mouth will ya?"

"No tell me what it's all abou-

He pressed his lips agaist mine I didn't kiss back but he bit my lip which made me open my mouth and he put his disgusting tongue in my mouth

""i looked around the room and saw an emergency button next to me i tried to stretch my hand there but he grabbed my wrist hard
"Don't even try~" he whispered in my ear

Don't die befor you're dead ~ Neymar/neymessiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon