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"Yes ofc" i said leaving Raphinha hands as fast as i could.


I walked with the coach to his office

"sit, you asked me about security the other day and i got you one. He is one of the best you can ask for trust me he gonna protect you!" The coach said

I was relieved and happy that now maybe I can feel a bit safe at least

*knock* *knock*

"Oh he already here" he got up and opened the door, i couldn't believe who i saw

"Good to see you! I'll leave you two alone to get to know each other better" with that he was gone, leave me alone with the person who kidnapped me.

" The hell you doing he- " i got up mad and wanted to walk away but then he held a gun in front of my head and i stopped

Tf does everyone has it with their god damn weapons!!

"I told you, you can't leave...ur always be mine and now, now i'll be by ur side for the rest. of. ur. live." He came closer

"So don't you die befor you're dead" he put the gun down and left me alone

I was so mad but at the same time scared. I stayed still for a while, what shall I do now?

Moments like that can change people

Some become rude.
Some become silent.

I have a mixed feeling right now, I want to scream and let out everything I've been holding back over the years but i also just want to lie down in the water and get swum away Like a piece of paper.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eye
"Don't give up, it's gonna be okay" I whispered to myself. I walked out the door and slowly through the hallway, a look at the clock showed me that the training was already over, wow how long was I out?

I stopped at the door of the locker room when I heard my name. I came closer to the door and tried to listen what they say

"What you guys think the coach and this kid doing so long in there?"

"Yo! Bet hes sucking the coach balls!" one screamed and everyone started laughing

"Fr that's what coach meant with "he can handle the ball well" they laugh even more now

more and more comments came calling me a slut or whore

I wanted to go because I couldn't take it anymore but..

"Hey messi lets plan another game against him I've never laughed so much!"


I slowly walked away from the door ignoring the comments that all agreed with him.

he planned it?
he hurt me on purpose?
What else? Was the kiss planned too!

I started walking faster as I felt my eyes getting wetter

I opened up to him and was hoping that I would finally have someone but ofc not

I've never been good enough to have anyone stay.

I felt a hand reach out and turned me around

"Wait neymar" leo said exhausted, looks like he's been chasing me for a while

"W-what do you want?" I said with a broken voice

"You have to understand neymar i know this lookes bad but I promise you,you're overreacting."

" what do i not understand?? That you turned the whole team against me??"

he kept quiet

"You know i ain't gonna lie when i heard i could be in a team with the lionel fucking messi, it was the best news i ever got. I thought that this is finally what I've been waiting for all my life to be happy but ig I only deserve to god damn suffer. Well thank you for making me think im something special for a sec" i smiled and left him befor he could say a word

i went outside to the way to my car

I shouldn't have been so naive. All my life long I was alone so why should it suddenly change? Why would even leo like someone

I got into the car was about to turn it on when..

"I told ya to stay away!" Some said behind me

"Wait wh-" but befor i even could finish my senc
everything went black..


"Omg neymar!"

"What happend"

"Neymar? Dude wake up!"

"Call 9 1 1!!"

"Whats the number?"

"Are you fuck- that is the number!"

"Jes alright calm down"


Did I failed not to die before im dead?

Don't die befor you're dead ~ Neymar/neymessiWhere stories live. Discover now