Chapter 11 - True Colors

Start from the beginning

I can understand why she is cold when we first met her on our first day. Even teachers are competitive in this school huh.

*{Who do you think posses the abilities to help class D ascend, besides Kiyo?}

{I would say mostly everyone in this class can. There's few individuals with great leadership skills and some posses great physical talents. But sadly there's also some incompetent one's too.}

*{Hmm. If that's the case, then my job would be encouraging them huh.}

{Yes. With Master's popularity and great social skills, everyone in this room will lend an ear for you.}

*{Yep. That's true.}

I've been working hard this first month getting friends of my own and it was a success. With this I have stabilized my position and gained a good information network to be used.

*{Ciel. How do you think we can convince Koenji on helping this class?}

That student posses great potentials. He might be a little narcissistic but his talents cannot be underestimated.

{I believe there's a way, but Master should probably hold it off for now. There's something interesting going on at this moment and you must watch it unfold.}


I refocused my senses back to reality and heard Chiyabashira reprimand Kiyo.

"We're at class Ayanakouji. Stop making noises."

"Sorry sensei. I got something on my eye."

What's happening?

I side eyed my surroundings to see the student's reaction but no one dared to look back at Kiyo. They just continued their work without paying him any mind.

They're that scared of losing points? Looks like Hirata's effort is finally paying off.

The teacher left after the lunch time bell rang off. But before everyone could head towards the door, Hirata spoke in front of the class.

"Sensei said that failure in the midterm exam can cause expulsion, so I'm planning on holding off an study group so that we can prepare for the exam. Everyone is allowed to join in."

Everyone was paying attention to him and some students with a failing marks considered his offer.

"Starting today at 5 o'clock after school, I'd like everyone who are interested to attend the study group in this classroom."

I noticed him looking at sudou for a moment and shifted his gaze towards me.

"Also, I would like Tempest-san to join too. It would help a lot if you come."

"I'm fine with that. Kushida-san, you don't mind it too, don't you?"

Passing the conversation to the unsuspecting kushida, she looked at me confused for a moment.

"Well I don't mind. I'm glad if I could help you Tempest-san."

"Well that settles it. Anyone who are interested especially those with low marks can join."

I said as I ended the topic. Everyone left for lunch and I saw Kiyo and Horikita heading out together. It made me curious but let it off for now.

*{I feel like they're up to something.}

{That certainly is correct.}

If that were the case then I can assume that they're planning something.

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