"But I never said I didn't want to go, what is her issue!" Fatima says at a raised tone looking at Danni in confusion.

"I don't know where this took a turn at but I was just promoting the little event" Danni says with her hands up in defense laughing

"I'll be there" Fatima says to Danni

"That's probably not a good idea, God forbid you go somewhere Zac is and your not comfortable " Andi says frankly

"Why are you- whatever Andrea" Fatima says rolling her eyes

"Both of y'all shut the hell up. Everytime y'all decide to argue, it's dumb. Just like this, stupid as hell" Danni says

"She's the one that randomly started the shit I don't know why" Fatima says with her brows meeting in the middle

Truthfully, everyone was tired of the back and forth even Danni. Danni understood that just like her and Preston, that Fatima and Zac would move on their own timing. So if the toxicity was their way, then so be it. But it was sure that Andi was sick and tired of it.

"I'm about to leave, y'all have fun" Andi said grabbing her bag. It was the back she typically took when she she stayed with Robin

"Bye!" Fatima says harshly and matching the same energy Andi initially gave

All Andi did was turn and roll her eyes before leaving.

"Did you have to?" Danni ask

"Yes I did! You get what you give" Fatima says in defense "You saw that." She adds

"Y'all always want to argue you out of the blue-

"That wasn't me! That was all her" Fatima pleads

"I'm just saying. Now THATS something I personally hate. Y'all both need some dick" Danni says before disappearing in her room

The next night over at Preston's. Robin and Andi were the first to arrive from the crew. There were others there as well.

"Wassup y'all" Preston said answering the door with shots glasses in his hand

"Aww damn at the damn door" Robin says taking the glass and Andi laughs before taking it to the head

"You know to have the right tequila too" Andi says stepping in

"None of that cheap shit" Preston says "Grab a cup" Preston says

"Do it matter which one?" Andi says to the three different colored cups, there were labels near them but she wasn't paying attention.

"Like hell it do. Here you go with your red cup." Robin interjects handing her the cup. All Preston could do was laugh.

"You don't see what that says, taken, single and complicated. You're TAKEN." Robin emphasized

"My bad babe I didn't see that. Relax" Andi says

Red symbolized taken, green was single and blue meant that your relationship status is complicated.

Now knowing what the colored cups symbolized she eyed Preston's cup to make sure he was in line.

"Where's D?" Andi says " She should be here in a few, don't worry my cup is certainly red" Preston says raising his cup and dangling it.

"Mhm okay I see it" Andi says

"Where your brother at?" Preston ask and Robin looked down at his phone

"I'm not even gon hold you, he might be here later but I don't know though" Robin said to Preston and Andi subtly scrunched her face. She was curious especially with how Robin said it.

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