Yet, there she was in her hotel room, scrolling through the media, reading those comments. When she finally had enough of it, she quickly locked her phone screen—even turning it off. She didn't care if she was unreachable that evening. She needed a break.

She had finished her dinner, and she also already had her medicine. Since there was nothing left to do, the girl quickly pulled up the thick blanket up her head, covering all of her body, and cried herself to sleep.


So slowly, Lee Naeun was waking up from her sleep. Her head felt so light, unlike yesterday when she felt as if her brain could explode anytime soon. So did her body, she felt so light like a mere feather. Now that was what a good quality sleep could do for your body.

The girl stirred in her sleep, letting out a small squeal as she stretched her feet under the blanket. She felt warm and comfortable.

What kind of beddings do this hotel use? She wondered.

Hold up. What is wrong with my hand?

She hissed as she noticed a weird feeling on her left hand. Her eyes weren't fully opened as she was still gathering her consciousness with her eyes closed. As she felt something—uncomfortable—sticking on her hand, she immediately opened her eyes. As the light inside the room filled her vision, her eyes squinted. She spent some seconds to adjust her vision with the light until she could clearly see her surroundings.

The first thing Naeun saw was an IV drip, hanging above her on a pole next to her bed. It confused her since she didn't remember getting herself injected with an IV catheter before she slept last night. Where did it come from?

Her pupils slowly moved around, exploring more of her surroundings.

Yes, she was still in her room, on her bed, and under the comfortable blanket. The only different things she noticed in the room were the IV drip next to her bed, the needle of her left hand, and the Crown Prince—

"Jaehyun-sshi!" The girl left out a small gasp as her eyes caught the tall man, on a white formal shirt tucked into long black pants, sleeping on a chair next to her bed and his upper body leaning on his arms placed on the bed.

What happened here?!

Naeun was about to jump out of her bed and check on the Crown Prince seated by the bed. His back was rested with some pillows but his head and arms on the side of her bed. Why was he sleeping there? His back might get hurt. He should had slept at his room, on his bed!

The girl finally managed to push herself up so she was seated on the bed. The blanket still covering half of her body. She was about to move her legs down to get her slippers, when the bedroom door was knocked, then followed by a familiar voice.

"Your Highness?"

It was Johnny.

The knocking sounds woke up the Crown Prince from his sleep as well. The man then slowly shifted from his sleeping position, grunting as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Come in, Hyung." Jaehyun said with his hoarse voice, as he proceeded to seat up properly and walked himself to the door.

However, the man stopped midway as his peripheral view caught Naeun who was already awake, sitting on her bed in her white pajamas with a wondering look at her face, the sight of her made him forget about the older man that was waiting outside of the bedroom. He immediately turned his back from the door, then walked his way back to the bed, approaching Naeun.

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