𝓛𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻

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"This is good!" Power exclaimed as she ate the breakfast Aki prepared for us.

I hummed happily in agreement as I ate my 4th plate already.

It's then that I notice Denji right across from me and his face is as if he's in a daze.

"Denji, are you ok?" I ask worriedly but he doesn't respond, I wonder if something happened last night.

"Oi, don't ignore Y/N when she asks you something," Aki scolds but Denji still doesn't notice.


I decided to supervise Denji and Power today to give Aki a break (and he also has his own missions).

"Where shall we slaughter devils today?" Power asked excitedly, at least she's still herself but I'm still worried about Denji.

Power at some point was getting annoyed with Denjis silence and decided to hit him.

"Power, You shouldn't be hitting your buddy," I say as I go in between the duo, just then I feel my phone buzz and when I open it I see it's an unknown caller.

"Stay there for a minute you two," I meekly say as I turn around and answer the call, "hello?" I asked.

"L/N?" It's Miss Makima.

"Miss Makima.?" I stutter out 'how did she get my number?' I thought with my heart pounding in my chest.

"Ah good, the number was correct," she mumbled to herself.

"Is Denji with you?" She questioned and I turn around to make sure the duo was both there still. And I'm met with power poking at Denji with his still mono face.

"Yes he is," I reply quickly not wanting to keep her waiting.

"Great, can you please bring him over to the office? He has paperwork he needs to fill out."

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as possible Miss Makima," I stated rather loudly as I can feel myself become flustered simply because of her voice.

The call ends and I walk over to Denji and Power.

"Denji, Miss Makima request you at the office. Power I'll drop you off back home," I smiled.

"No one orders the great Power around! I'm only going to topknots apartment because I request to nap and eat, that's right!" She exclaimed as we started to head back.


After dropping off Power me and Denji began to walk over to the office. 'It's times like these when I think about buying a car.'

Denji is still the same as he was this morning, I'm starting to get nervous. Maybe he had a bad dream and no one to talk to it about? Maybe he hit his head and is too embarrassed?

"Denji, I know you didn't answer earlier but I wanted to ask if you're ok," I speak softly as I look over at him.


"Y'know, Theres something I was chasing after, and I finally managed to get it. But once I did, it wasn't as big of a deal as I thought," I daze off again thinking about last night and groping Powers boobs.

I can see L/N out of the corner of my eyes and her expression is still confused.

"What are you talking about, Denji?" She asks and I see her hands fiddle around and her worried eyes, 'she's cute.'

"I touched boobs for the first time, but it wasn't great."

I hear small squeaks beside me and I turn to see L/N with a face as red as a tomato and her hands can't stop fidgeting.

𝓜𝓮𝓵𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 {CSM x Mitsuri!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now