Chapter 6.

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As the weeks went by, you and Joel settled back into a comfortable routine of breakfast and dinner conversations. Your feelings for him never quite went away, but you pushed them to the back of your mind and focused on your job.

You were on your laptop working when Joel came home from work and went straight to the couch, wincing as he sat down. You noticed his discomfort and asked him what was wrong.

"It's nothing, just pulled my back a bit at work," he muttered, trying to hide the pain.

But you knew better. "Let me take a look," you said, moving closer to him.

Joel hesitated for a moment before finally giving in. You helped him take off his shirt and examined his back. It was visibly tense and swollen in some places.

"Oh my god, Joel! You need to take it easy," you said. "Let me take care of you."

"It's not that bad" Joel tried to protest, but you were already on a mission.

"Don't be silly" You went to the kitchen and started cooking a hearty soup for him, adding some ginger and turmeric to help with the inflammation. As it simmered, you went back to Joel and gave him a pain reliever.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," he said, gratefully taking the pill.

"You'd suffer," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.

He took the following day off work as he was still in pain and you convince him to give him a massage.

You start by applying some warming oil to Joel's lower back, which he had mentioned was the area that was hurting the most. You gently kneaded the muscles with your thumbs, using long strokes and gradually increasing the pressure.

Joel lets out a soft groan of relief as you work on his back. "Oh, that feels good," he says.

You continue to work on his lower back, slowly moving upwards towards his shoulder blades. You can feel the tension in his muscles and try to work out the knots with your fingers.

"Is this too much pressure?" you ask, concerned that you might be hurting him.

"No, it's fine," he replies, his voice slightly strained. "Just keep going."

You spend the next half hour working on his back, using a combination of techniques to relieve his pain. By the end of the massage, Joel is visibly more relaxed and grateful.

"You have magic hands," he said, closing his eyes in bliss.

You smiled, happy to see him finally relaxing. "It's all in the technique," you said, teasingly.

You could see Joel was rather uncomfortable as you washed your hands in the ensuite bathroom.

You both sit in silence for a moment, looking at each other. There's a tension between you that you can't ignore. You feel attracted to him, and it's clear because of the tent in his joggers he feels the same way.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me," Joel said, breaking the silence.

"Of course, I'm always here for you," you replied, smiling at him.

Joel leaned in closer to you, and you could feel his breath on your face. You don't move away, and he puts his hand on your cheek, gently brushing his thumb across your lips.

"We shouldn't," he said softly.

"I know" you replied, as he pulls his hand away. "Let me take care of you" you whispered eyeing him as your hand carefully caressed his abdomen and travelled down his body towards his length.

He nodded at you as you planted a kiss on his pec and toyed with the elastic band of his joggers.

You playfully kneeled in front of him and removed his clothes enough for his cock to spring free. Your eyes widened at his girth. He was thick. Your mouth watered at the sight.

Your hands quickly found their place on his dick and you made sure to apply enough pressure as you started to jerk him off.

Your doe eyes found his own and he thought he could combust right then and there. Your lips were awfully close to his tip and you stuck out your tongue licking his whole length. He couldn't help but moan as you started to suck on the tip of his cock.

"Oh fuck, that's so good, Muffin" he breathed out as his brows furrowed. You moaned at the taste of his precum and he dove his fingers in your hair, gently helping you bob your head as you relaxed your jaw to take more of him. "You look so good on your knees for me, baby girl" You loved how he would always talk you through sex. You were finally giving him head after he had helped you out a few times when you had been horny. He never had asked for anything back. In fact, he refused a couple of times when you offered, so you stopped asking.

Your other hand gently massaged his balls and he hissed in pleasure. His grip on your hair tightened and he made a makeshift ponytail with his fist as he fastened your pace. You took him so deep in your throat that you gagged and he quickly pulled you back concerned.

"Are you okay, Muffin?" He was such a gentleman, and that only made you want to choke on his cock even more.

"Yes, Daddy" you replied with a playful grin. Joel rolled his eyes in pleasure at hearing you say that and forcefully push your head back to his cock.

"You like to choke on it, don't you?" His voice strained as he was face fucking you. You moaned in response. Saliva falling down your chin and wetting your tank top and tears built up in your eyes. You loved taking care of him, and you wished you would've been in this position with him before.

His thrust began to stagger and increasingly became sloppy. He pulled you back by your head "Where?" He asked as he was about to climax and you took him back in your mouth, letting him know that it was okay. "Are you going to drink every drop?" You moaned back in affirmation and he stilled in the back of your throat, his seed spilling on your tongue and you made sure to swallow every single drop and sucked him off gently to clean him off.

"You're going to be the death of me, Mama"

You both sat back on the couch, the tension between you two was still palpable. He wanted to get you off but you refused, as his back was still in pain. The moment was broken by a knock at the door, and Joel got up to answer it.

Joel opened the door to reveal Jake, his coworker, standing on the doorstep. "Hey man, just wanted to check up on you after hearing about your back. How are you feeling?"

"Thanks, Jake. I'm doing okay," Joel replied, trying to keep the conversation short.

As Jake stepped inside, his eyes fell on you, and he couldn't help but stare. "Who's this?" he asked, gesturing towards you.

"This is Oscar's daughter. She's been crashing until she gets back on her feet," Joel explained, placing a hand on your back possessively.

Jake raised an eyebrow, clearly interested. "She's a beauty. Mind if I take her out sometime?" he asked, looking at you expectantly.

Joel's grip on your back tightened, and he shook his head firmly. "Sorry, man. She's not interested."

You looked at Joel, surprised by his possessiveness. "Joel, it's okay. I can speak for myself," you said, feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

Jake looked at you, his eyes lighting up. "So, Sugar, how about that date?"

Before you could respond, Joel cut in. "I said she's not interested. Now if you don't mind, we have some things to take care of," he said, practically pushing Jake out the door.

Once Jake was gone, Joel turned to you, his face dark. "I don't want him anywhere near you," he said, his voice low.

You looked at him, surprised by his reaction. "Why are you so jealous?" you asked, unable to hide the amusement in your voice.

Joel sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just don't. Goodnight". His sour mood made you giggle. He was so protective of you and you loved it.

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