Chapter 4.

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You spent hours swiping through potential matches on the dating app Anita suggested, but none of them seemed to catch your eye. You were about to give up when you came across a profile that caught your attention. His name was Carlos, and he was a software engineer who loved to hike and travel.

You messaged him, and to your surprise, he messaged you back almost immediately. You spent the next few days chatting back and forth, and you found yourself getting excited about the prospect of going out on a date with him.

The night of the date, you spent hours getting ready, trying on different outfits and doing your makeup. When Carlos arrived, he looked even better in person than he did in his pictures. He had dark hair and warm brown eyes, and he was wearing a button-down shirt that showed off his broad shoulders.

"Hi, you look beautiful," he said, flashing you a dazzling smile.

"Thank you, Carlos. You look pretty handsome yourself," you said, feeling a little nervous.

You spent the evening talking and laughing, and by the end of the night, you were feeling good about the date. Carlos walked you to your front door, and you could feel the electricity between you. You leaned in to kiss him, but before you could, Joel appeared in the doorway, looking angry.

"What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, his voice booming.

"Joel, what are you doing here?" you asked, feeling embarrassed.

"I heard voices and came to see what was going on. And now I see you trying to kiss some random guy in front of my house?"

"This is Carlos, we went out on a date tonight," you explained, feeling defensive and still feeling a little buzzed from the alcohol.

"I don't care who he is. Get the hell out of here," Joel growled at Carlos, who quickly backed away and left.

"Why did you do that? He's just a guy I went on a date with," you said, frustrated with Joel's behaviour.

"He's bad news, I know him. And you're not just some girl. I don't want to see you get hurt," Joel said, his voice softer now.

"I can take care of myself, Joel. I don't need you to protect me," you said, feeling hurt and angry.

Joel furrowed his brow. "why would you go out with him in the first place?"

"I don't know, I was just feeling horny, I guess," you said, feeling embarrassed.

Joel sighed as you both walked back into the house "Look, I know I'm not the easiest person to live with, but I don't want you bringing random guys back here. It's not safe."

"I know, I know, but I'm a grown woman, Joel. I can make my own decisions," you said, feeling defensive.

"I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying that I care about you, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Joel said, his voice softening.

You looked at him and felt a sudden pang of longing. You knew you shouldn't be feeling this way, but you couldn't help it. "Joel, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything," Joel said, looking at you expectantly.

"Do you find me attractive?" you blurted out, feeling your face flush with embarrassment.

Joel's eyes widened, and he looked taken aback. "Uh, I, uh, I don't think that's an appropriate question, Muffin," he stammered.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," you said, feeling mortified.

Joel cleared his throat. "Look, sweetheart, I know we've been spending a lot of time together, but I think it's important that we keep our relationship strictly platonic."

You felt a twinge of disappointment but nodded your head. "Yeah, of course. I understand."

You walked back to your room. Sexually frustrated. The thing is Carlos looked okay. You honestly just wanted to get off and Joel had ruined that for you with his stupid beautiful mouth.

You picked up your pink vibrator from one of your drawers, where you kept it hidden with your underwear. You guessed that'll do this time. You left it on the bedside table as you undressed to get ready for bed and removed the makeup from your face, the emptiness in your chest made you sigh.

You heard a knock on your door. You knew it was Joel.

"One second," you said as you put on a long t-shirt that covered your body until mid-thigh before you opened the door.

Joel was leaning on the doorframe as his eyes took in your attire, he was awfully quiet.

"Did you want something?" You said bitterly.

You didn't see how Joel scanned your room and his eyes landed on a pink object. He groaned as he got close to the bed.

"Lay down" he commanded. Your eyes widened but you obeyed, unable to deny him as you saw the lust in his eyes.

He picked up the vibrator and toyed with it. "Tell me to stop," he asked. You didn't reply, you didn't want him to stop. "Please, tell me to stop" Once again you were silent.

"Are you sure?" He asked concerned.

"Please" you nearly moaned at the thought of him using you.

"Take them off," he said and you meekly took your panties off. "Don't touch me, don't try to kiss me. Just use my fingers" You nodded excitedly.

He was a goner when he saw your doe eyes looking at him like that.

"Spread your legs for me, Muffin" You did so and he gently got in between them. You blushed as your pussy was on full display for him.

"Did he do this to you?" He said as he traced a finger across your slit, already gathering your wetness. You were taken aback by his question. You were in a haze and he prodded the tip of his finger and asked you again. "I asked you a question, Muffin. Did that bastard make you a mess?"

You shook your head no. "No", you whispered.

"Who was it then?" His other hand played with your meaty thigh making you moan.

"You." You breathed out "Please, Joel, fuck me with your fingers already" you begged unable to play this game anymore.

He darkly chuckled and his head leaned in closer to your pussy and you could see as he expertly spit on your clit. His thumb worked your bundle of nerves and you couldn't help the shake of your legs.

"Stay still, Muffin" he ordered as his left hand gripped your thigh harder.

Then his calloused fingers dipped deep into your cunt. The feeling of ecstasy travelling through your veins. He worked you up but stopped once your hands gripped his hair. He swatted your arms.

"I said no touch, Muffin" he looked so serious you wouldn't dare do it again.

The obscene sound of your wetness and your moans were all Joel could hear. It was like heaven, but this was a one-time thing. This couldn't happen again. He could be your own father. He was your father's best friend, for fucks sake, and he trusted him to take care of you.

And he was doing that. Although not in the way he expected.

"Faster," you asked and he complied. Increasing the speed of his thrust. He curled his fingers in the right spot, making you a writhing mess. Your hands grabbed your pillows, trying to contain them from going back to his head, where they belonged. "Oh my god, I'm..."

"Cum on my fingers, mama" and that was all he needed to say for you to cum undone. He helped you ride down your orgasm and as soon it was over he got off the bed and awkwardly left the room, leaving you all hot and bothered.

How can you mend a broken heart (Joel Miller AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora