Chapter One Continued

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No one ventured a guess right away. They were either not sure who to say, or afraid to embarrass someone. A number of them had rosy cheeks. Blushing.

Josie raised her hand in the air.

"That's probably me," she said. "I haven't had sex in so long, I wouldn't even know what he was doing."

"Josie! I can't believe you said that."

The waitress came back in to take the food orders about that time. She stopped at the entrance. Like she was doing something wrong if she entered. Blossom motioned her in.

The ladies tried their best to regain their composure and give the lady their orders, but they kept giggling among themselves like a bunch of junior high girls.

After the waitress left, Blossom finished the questions.

"Who is the most likely to have the most shoes in their closet?"

That was easy. Piper won hands down with more than a hundred pairs and everyone guessed her. She was full of style. Blossom had seen Piper's closet. All of her Ugg boots were neatly arranged on the top shelf of her closet, like trophies.

Today, she was wearing a white linen shirt and black leggings. With black leather boots. Her brunette hair fell slightly below her shoulders.

"Who is most likely to put their pants on backwards?"

They couldn't come up with anything. Finally, they agreed on Chelsea since she was the newest member and they didn't know her very well, but everyone liked her and were obviously trying to make her feel a part of the group and were thankful that she had volunteered to send out the birthday cards.

Blossom kept asking the questions, until she made sure everyone was picked for one of the questions. Either as the most likely or the least likely.

"Who is most likely to sing in the shower?"

June helped them out by saying, "I'm least likely. I got laughed out of the choir in high school."

"Who is the most likely to cry at a movie?" They chose Bridget. Who they also picked as the one to make the best apple pie. That was easy since she was a professional chef who competed in worldwide food competitions.

"Who is the most likely to win at scrabble?"

"Theodore!" they all shouted in unison.

"Who is the most likely to get lost?"

All of them.

"Who is the most likely to get the final question on Jeopardy?"

Mary Jane raised her hand. "I watch Jeopardy every night. The other night, I got the final question, and none of the contestants got it. I couldn't believe it."

Everyone clapped. Mary Jane beamed from the encouragement.

"Who is most likely to cut their own bangs?"

"I do that," Piper said. Several of the others did as well.

"Who is most likely to have the most grooming items in their purse?"

Several of them squealed and thought it was them.

Blossom had them pull out their handbags and look. June had the most. She also had the biggest bag.

"Who is the most likely to sleep until noon?"

They settled on Olivia.

"I would if I could. But I'd feel too guilty."

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