Final Tests and Return

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The first few months had passed with Izumi and her friends finding a few more cards, and summer vacation will start soon.

However, they first had to wait for the results of the exams.

"Hey, while we wait, how about we go to this Cafe I heard about? It's called Cat's Eye." Izumi smiled.

"Sure, I have time and I always wanted to go there." Lupin said.

"Then let's go, my friends." Aoyama grinned.

The group arrived at Cat's Eye Cafe as they are greeted by some waitresses.

"Welcome Masters, and Mistresses!" They said.

The five waitresses were all wearing maid uniforms and had hair colors of Ruby red, dark blue, green, yellow and purple.

There were three more women at the bar. All had dark brown hair, so Izumi assumed they are sisters. One had short hair, another was long and straight and the last had long and wavy hair and a beauty mark on the left side of her lip.

"Hello, let me guide you to your table." Their waitress, Mint smiled.

They all ordered different smoothies or bubble tea and chatted among each other.

Suddenly, a loud noise and a crash came from a few buildings down the road.

Some kind of earthquake was creating a ruckus but Kero knew what it was.

"Everyone! It's another Card! It must be Swing, he can create earthquakes!" He said.

Meanwhile, the maids already went into action. "Mewtamorphasus!"

Izumi was amazed as the maids gained animal features.

"Wow! The Tokyo Mew Mews! The upcoming female pros who rescued both people and animals across the world!" Izumi gushed in excitement.

"Izumi, focus." Hitoshi said.

"Ah, right!" Izumi said as she took out her staff.

"Alright, Wood, Fly, Tame, I need your help!"

With a little assistance from the Mew Mews, Izumi captured Swing.
"Thank you again for the help and getting Swing." Izumi smiled at the girl's.

"It's no problem. And you did say there are more too. We'll keep an eye out and let you know!" Mew Ichigo smiled.

Months passed since, and Izumi and her friends had been collecting the remaining cards for quite a while.

They not only got some help from the Tokyo Mew Mews, but also their teachers, the headmistress, Cat's Eye, Sebastian and Claude, The Knight Sisters, and so many others.

Now they only had two cards left to find.

Light and Dark.

Izumi really didn't know how to find them, but she actually felt something up in the campus clocktower.

Like something was telling her to go there.

"Huh? Izumi? Why are we heading up here?" Kero asked.

"I don't really know, but I feel like something is telling me to come up here." Izumi said.

By then, they reached the top of the Clocktower.

And that's when a strange phenomenon happened.

"We have been waiting for you, young mage."

Izumi turned around to see two female beings.

One is regally dressed with long, straight, black hair. She wears a spiked crown and has five gems spread across her neckline.

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