Origin Story

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That's all it takes to wreck a person's life.

That was the case for Izumi Midoriya.

The doctor's confirmation was 2 months ago.

Izumi was now hiding from Katsuki after she spotted him and his two cronies heading her way.

She hid in an alleyway, and then saw stairs heading down.

Opening the door there, she finds herself in a shop of sorts. Looking around, there were birds, cats, lizards, and other pets.

"Is this a pet shop?" Izumi asked herself as she noticed a little paw on her foot.

A bunny looked her in curiosity.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Izumi said kneeling to the bunny to pet them. Which the bunny happily accepted.

"Greetings." A man's voice said.

Izumi turned to see a Chinese man withshort black hair and claw-like fingernails. He also had feminine facial features and what drew her attention was his eyes. One was purple while the other was a striking gold.

"Greetings little one. I am Count D. What brings you here to my humble pet shop?"

"I was hiding......from Ka-from bullies." Izumi said hugging the bunny near her.

"Bullies? Why not tell your teachers?" A girl with curly blond hair and a Victorian inspired dress said hugging Izumi from behind.

"Ah! Um, they ignore my protests. I'm quirkless so..." Izumi said sadly.

"Ah, quirks. It's pathetic how humans let power decide their lives these days. And its that kind of thinking, along with how the so-called hero system is going, that leads them to an early death." Count said as he kneels in front on Izumi. "Honestly, I believe you could have more worth than they do."

"I agree." A female voice said.

An Egyptian woman dressed in a Regal silk dress appeared. She had cat ears, a tail and claws.

"If I could, I would tear apart those inferior humans for harming such a jewel." She said patting Izumi's head.

"Why don't we have a chat over tea? I also have a chocolate cream pie ready." Count suggested.

During the chat, Izumi learned something interesting.

She saw that the other "people" in the shop were really pets.

The Egyptian woman, Mau-Chan, was really a sphinx, and Pon-chan was a raccoon.

Amazed, Count figured Izumi had untapped magic within her.

Sadly, Izumi had to get back home and it was getting late.

Thankfully, Count was offering to get her back safely.

"Izumi! Where were you? I got worried when Kaachan said you vanished." Inko said as she hugged her daughter.

"Ka-Bakugou chased me again. I made friends with Count here."

"Yes, she stumbled into my pet shop after her fright. She was no trouble at all. In fact the animals in the shop like her too." Count said with a smile.

"Oh, I see." Inko said as she noticed Izumi did not call her friend 'Kacchan' now. Maybe she should have a talk with Mitsuki.

"Mama, can I keep visiting Count's pet shop? I can even help him." Izumi begged.

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