Style - Mutual

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Stans pov:

I was waiting at the bus stop for Kyle, Cartman and Kenny.
I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Wendy.
"Oh hey, you don't normally take the bus?" I questioned.
"Mm, I don't but I wanted to today!" She grinned, her pearly white teeth showing.
She held my hand and laced her fingers in mine.
That's when I seen Kyle, I had began to gain a small crush on Kyle in mine and Wendy's relationship and whilst I felt guilty for it, I had decided I would act on it today just before school.
But now I feel so guilty because she decided to take the bus today, just for me, but whatever I guess.
I quickly let go of her hand before Kyle could see.
Kyle walked over to us as we did our handshake and at the perfect moment Cartman and Kenny showed up.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Wait?- Testaburger?" Cartman said confused.
"You don't usually take the bus." Said Kenny.
"You're pointing out the obvious, I just wanted to today." Wendy replied.
The bus eventually got here and we went to our respective seats, Kyle next to me and Cartman and Kenny next to each other.
Wendy walked over to Bebe, who looked surprised to see her on the bus.

We finally arrived at school, "Um, Wendy, can I talk to you? Alone?" I asked.
"Yeah of course." Wendy said, departing from Bebe.
We walked over to the right a little bit.
"I'm so sorry Wendy, but I- I don't think we're gonna work out. Our relationship has been kind of toxic and on and off. I'm so sorry." I said nervously.
"Oh. It's ok, I knew it was gonna happen someday." She smiled.
"Really?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah, I could tell you gained a little crush on Kyle and I'm gonna be honest here, I gained a small crush on Bebe." Wendy giggled.
I itched my neck and grinned nervously.
"Thanks for understanding, and good luck with Bebe." I winked.
"Same to you for Kyle!" Wendy winked too.
"Right, I've gotta get to class, see you!"
"Wait!" Wendy said, pausing, "Can we stay friends?" She said hopefully.
"Of course!" I smiled, before waving and running off.

As I walked into history class, I was clearly late, I seen Kyle concentrating on his research, taking prestigious notes.
I sat down next to him, his head turned to look at me, "Why are you late?" He asked.
"Oh erm- I was kinda, um I was kind of breaking up with Wendy," I said, "for good." I added.
His eyes lit up with what looked like hope before he quickly put on a sad expression, "Aw I'm sorry for you."
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"What do you mean? You must be upset."
"Nah, it was a mutual decision." I laughed.
"Do you boys have something you wanna share?" The teacher asked.
"Um. No, sorry!" I responded.

The bell rang shortly after and the halls were flooded with kids heading to the canteen.
I got my food and sat with Cartman, Kenny, Kyle and surprisingly, Wendy and Bebe who were holding hands.
"Ooo, what's the situation here?" I asked, wiggling my brows.
"Me and Wendy are together now!" Bebe said, grinning.
"What about you and-" Wendy began to ask before I cut her off,
"Um, what do you mean?" I asked but quickly giving her a look that meant 'shut up'
"Oh, nevermind, I was thinking of someone else." Wendy awkwardly laughed.
"Sooo, who are all of you guys's crushes?" She asked.
"Don't have one." Cartman replied simply.
"Eh, hard to say, I have more than one." Kenny said shrugging his shoulders.
"I have a crush but I'm not gonna say who." Said Kyle.
Oh right, of course he has a crush. "Stan, what about you?" Asked Kenny.
"Oh right, yeah, I have a crush." I said.
Kyle looked slightly hurt.
"Um- well, erm. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Said Kyle, a tone of sadness in his voice.
"Dude, Stan, he so totally likes you." Said Kenny.
"Really?" I said, not believing him.
"Yes, Kenny is so seriously right now." Cartman said.
"Well in that case, I gotta go." I said quickly, pulling myself out my seat in a rush, before running out the canteen and to the bathroom.
As I arrived at the door I heard sobs coming from the inside.
I try to turn the knob to open the main door, but it was locked.
"W-Who's there?" A voice said through sobs, it was definitely Kyle.
"Kyle, please let me in." I said.
"No." He replied.
"Please. Kyle honey." I said before I could stop myself.
"Honey?" He laughed between his dying down sobs.
Just then I forgot I had been leaning against the door, so as Kyle opened it, I fell down , landing on top of him.
"Well this is an awkward situation."
"I have an idea how to make it less awkward." I said grinning.
"Oh yeah, what's that?" He asked.
I slowly lifted his head up by his jaw and kissed him softly on the lips, he proved that he liked me too as he was kissing me back.
I deepened the kiss before pushing my tongue against his bottom lip, he opened his mouth slightly as I slid my tongue in.
I began to explore every crevice of his mouth before he let out a soft moan into the kiss, I smirked against his lips before we pulled apart for air, then he grabbed my face with his hands and pushed his lips onto mine again.
Then we heard the door open.
"Um, I just came for a piss but I think I'm interrupting something." It was Craig.
"It's not what you think it-" but I was cut off by Craig.
"Sure." He said with his usual monotone voice before leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind him, "Remember to lock the door next time!" We heard him yell.
"Dick." I muttered, making Kyle laugh, I realised I was still on top of him and got off quickly, he quickly got up and splashed water off his face, trying to get rid of the tear stains.
"Hey, Kyle?" I asked.
"More than super best friends?" I asked.
"Of course!" He said, turning to look at me and smiling.

(1065 words)

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