Cryle - Dumped

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Story type: fluff

Ship: Craig x Kyle

Small idea of what it's about:
Craig Tucker and Kyle Broflovski were both broken up with on the same day, Tweek Tweak unexpectedly broke up with Craig, no one had thought that would ever happen, especially Craig.
And Kyle? He was broken up with by Stan Marsh, he had decided to go back to his cheating ex, Wendy Testaburger. Both Kyle and Craig were heartbroken, they went to a bar, running into each other, neither of them expecting to see the other.

Craig: 19
Kyle: 18
(Depending on their birthdays)



I sat in my porch, waiting for Tweek to arrive, he wanted to talk about something? I mean it's not unusual.
I seen Tweek walking up, he looked extremely nervous and was twitching more than usual.
As he walked up the steps I got up from my seat and gave him a hug.
"You wanted to talk?" I said pulling away from the hug and planting a quick soft kiss on Tweek's forehead.
"Um yeah," I lifted a brow up as if to say go on, "I don't think it's going to work out." My heart sank when I heard those words.
I wasn't one to show emotion and it was really hard not to at that moment but I fought it, I wasn't going to change the way I expressed myself.
"Why not?" I asked calmly, swallowing the lump in my throat, though right now I was indeed nowhere near calm.
"Well, I'm sorry if this sounds selfish but, you never show emotion, we got together when we were 10, you're 19 now and I'm almost 19," he glanced up at me again as he continued, "you not showing emotion in the way you talk or look concerns me and it feels like you don't think I deserve to see your emotions!" tears began to drip down his cheek, why is he crying? I thought to myself, but of course, he kept going, "it's like being around nothing. Or a person who seems like nothing. Im sorry if this is selfish Craig, but I need to get away from this. This isn't healthy for me not being around emotion. I need to experiment with other people, I can't just date the same person all my life. Who knows I might like girls too? Im sorry Craig but I just need to see what happens. Try new things. Im so sorry."
I begin to slowly lose my temper.
"Oh, you're sorry are you?" I ask, with a harsh tone in my voice. He looks up at me, tears still falling down his cheeks.
"Nevermind. Sorry for losing my temper."
"It's done Craig."
I nod slowly, swallowing another lump that had formed in my throat.
He begins to walk away. I don't even bother that he's close and I'm in the open. I began to let tears fall and I start sobbing. He glanced back to see me, with emotions showing for the first time.

I need to clear my mind. I think to myself, I go back inside and grab my coat before pulling on my converse.
I walk out of my front door, locking the door behind me.
I begin to walk to the bar, no one in South Park really cared how old you were to drink as long as you were over 16.
I arrive at the bar shortly after, opening the door as the bell rings like it always does, gosh it's annoying.
I walk up to the bar and order a beer.
It was only after I got my beer I realised who I had sat next to, he had curly fiery red hair, emerald green eyes and a sloppily put on green hat on top of his head.
"Tucker?" He said looking at me.
"Hey Broflovski." I reply.
"Wait- Broflovski, how come you're drinking? I never thought you'd be the type to drink."
He looked at me, his eyes were puffy, he'd obviously been crying.
"Wait- are those tear stains?" he suddenly asked. "That's the first sign of emotion I've ever seen on you." He laughed.
I roll my eyes, "Whatever. Are you going to answer my question?"
He quickly mumbled something.
"Stan." He said a bit louder.
"Oh. Tweek for me." I said. It was clear we'd both been dumped on the same day.
It was a little later, we had been chatting for a few hours. "Hey why don't we go to my place? There's no one home and we can chat about what happened? Only if you want." I suggested.
He smiled, "Sure."
"Come on then!" I say, putting my coat  back on as he put on his orange jacket.

We arrive at my house shortly after.
As we walk in, I turn the lights on as it was like 12am.
We went over to the couch and took a seat next to each other. "So what happened between you and Stan, if you're comfortable saying?"
"Eh it's fine. He left me for that lying cheating bitch Wendy," he sighed, "but I don't care that much anyway, because I've started to catch feelings for someone else anyway, but it still hurt a bit when he broke things off with me. But, what about you and tweek? You've been together for 9 years."
I sighed, "He left me because he wanted to experiment with other people and he said something like he doesn't want to be around someone who's like nothing forever."
"Damn." Kyle responded, "That's tough."
"Whatever. People were right when they said alcohol takes your pain away."
"Soooo, who's the person you started catching feelings for?" I asked grinning.
Kyle began to laugh, I glanced at him letting a small laugh out too.
Kyle jumped, "Jesus christ dude that scared me, I've never heard you laugh before."
"No one has, only my family. Not even Tweek."
I look into Kyle's eyes before hastily looking away again.
"Soooooo, who is the lucky person?"
Kyle looked at me before grabbing my jaw pulling me towards him, he slowly placed his soft lips onto mine, I began to kiss back, it felt right for some weird reason. Our lips fit together perfectly just like a puzzle piece.
The kiss became rough before we broke apart. I smiled at Kyle and he began to giggle.
"Is that a good enough answer?"
"I'll take it." I said kissing his forehead, bringing him into a hug.
"Hell yeah." I replied turning to face him again, planting a soft kiss on his lips, pulling away.

(1001 words)

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