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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


"come on mir" you said as he walked to you "lani your really going with him over that little situation?" your mom said as you walked to tyler with your brothers fingers intertwined with yours.

"...little situation...right...you think it's a little situation but you don't know how it felt to be forced to do something or taking advantage of especially by a fucking alcoholic" you spoke, looking dead at her.

"it's not that deep" she said, rolling her eyes as you stared at her in disbelief "dats crazy.. you were like my bestfriend, i talked to you abt everything, we were that close and this is how you act to a situation that involved me?" you said.

"and not only that but the part that's pissing me off is nobody thought to clean up my blood like who df leaves that in there, but don't worry bout it, i'll clean it myself cause y'all obviously dgaf y'all just care that i made it" you said, letting go of kacey's hand and going upstairs.

"mmcht, fuck ds" notti said, dragging his hands down his face before following you upstairs. you were sitting on the bathroom floor where everything happened as you poured cleaning products on your bathroom floor.

"move" notti said and you looked up at him before moving to the side a little so he could get in the bathroom "go pack your stuff, ima clean dis up" he said as he watched you stand up and nod before locking the bathroom door.

"KACEY!" you yelled "YESSS!" he yelled back "COME HERE STINK" you said, grabbing your suitcase as you heard his little footsteps and someone else's.

he walked into your room with tyler behind him and he hugged you, "you really leavin?" tyler asked in a low tone "yea...i got to" you said as you broke the hug "you can still come see me" you said, giving him a warm smile.

"where y'all moving to cause i gotta live too?" he asked "miami florida" you said and his eyes widened "oh shit, i gotta go back to tallahassee" he said and you smiled "a nice lil 7 hour drive from eachother" you said before laughing.

"hy" he said, laughing with you "well since your here, can you help kacey pack?" you asked and he nodded "fs, come on kacey" he said as they left your room and you began to pack.

"done" notti said as he walked out of your bathroom "dang, that was quick" you said as you slightly laughed "i mean it came up pretty easily..for the most part other than the fact i used 2 whole bottles" he said, putting his hand on his hip.

"it's ok, i can always buy some more" you laughed "yk that suitcase isn't gonna fit everything?" he said as he walked to your closet "yup, good thing most of my shower are in their boxes" you said.

"lemme help" he said, grabbing your pink duffel bag "sure, thanks notti" you said as he placed the bag on your bed "no problem, what do you want me to put in here tho?" he asked.

"here's a small travel bag, can you put all my hygiene items in their before putting it in the duffel bag?" you asked, handing him a small lavender bag "yea" he said as he walked to your bathroom and grabbed all of your stuff.


"can't believe your actually leaving" jay said, closing the trunk of your dads car since they just finished putting y'all suitcases away "i promise i'll come visit" you said with a small smile.

"your not gonna keep your promise" dd said while mugging you "bro, pinky promise?" you said, holding your pinky up as you waited for dd to lock the promise.

"i guess" he mumbled, inter winding his pinky with yours as you laughed "lose the attitude ugly" you said and he rolled his eyes again "reallll sassy" notti said and y'all laughed.

"well i guess i gotta go say bye to my mom" you said and they nodded, watching you walk back in the house. you seen your mom standing at the island counter while staring at a wall.

"ma.." you said as you walked to her, snapping her out of her thoughts as she looked at you with teary eyes "guess it's time to say goodbye" she said as she sniffled "i guess so, umm..did you say bye to amir yet?" you questioned.

"no, he ignored me and got in the car" she said and you kinda felt bad "well here's one last hug and kiss since i'm not gonna be here anymore and you can now live the city girl life you imagined" you said with a smile as you hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"sorry for taking my anger out on you..it's not your fault that it happened nor is it your responsibility, it's mines and i feel bad because you know it's not your fault and that's probably why your not taking the blame which you don't have to" you vented as she shook her head.

"it technically is my fault because your my child, your my responsibility and for you to be my responsibility i sure didn't take the situation as i was supposed to" she said as she hugged you, you froze and just stood their as you heard someone clear their throat.

"uhh sorry to ruin the moment but your dad told me to tell you he's ready to go" tyler said and you nodded "yea, tell him i'll be out in just a sec and can you please put my purse in the backseat" you said as you pointed to the couch.


nobody reads my notti book anymore😔

US ✰SUGARHILL DDOT✰ (𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ