Chapter 36 ·

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Wen Ruxi got Meng Yingjie's contact information. Although she had decided to clarify things with him through her phone, to be honest, Wen Ruxi hadn't figured out how to word it yet.

Should she just say directly, "Can you stop liking me?"

She didn't know if that would make her seem crazy.

After getting home and finishing her tasks, Wen Ruxi began to focus on this matter.

She didn't like to procrastinate, so since she had made a decision, she would do it today.

The chat interface between the two still had the initial system prompt. Meng Yingjie hadn't sent a message yet. Wen Ruxi guessed that, based on his personality, he probably wanted to wait for her to initiate the conversation.

And that was indeed the case.

Meng Yingjie lay in bed, holding his phone, waiting anxiously and expectantly for Wen Ruxi to message him.

Today, she took the initiative to ask for his contact information. That should be considered a big step forward, right?

Did this indirectly indicate that Wen Ruxi actually had feelings for him too? With this in mind, Meng Yingjie's lips curved into a smile.

He held a pillow in his arms, pressed his chin on it, and moved his legs.

"Quickly send him a message, anything will do."

"Wen Ruxi is really something."

Meng Yingjie thought the other person would message him back right away, but he was still waiting.

Actually, Meng Yingjie could send a message first, but he felt too embarrassed to be so proactive.

If he was too proactive, wouldn't Wen Ruxi misunderstand? He hadn't figured out how to respond yet.

Although if it was Wen Ruxi, he wouldn't reject it.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated. Meng Yingjie quickly looked at it, but it was just someone else's message. He couldn't help but purse his lips, feeling a bit frustrated.

"Don't want to see, don't want to see, just want to see Wen Ruxi."

Wen Ruxi held her phone, her expression calm as she thought for a moment. She felt that she should be direct with Meng Yingjie.

After all, she felt that she hadn't done anything, yet Meng Yingjie had developed feelings for her. If she didn't make it clear, it might cause new misunderstandings.

Meng Yingjie's way of thinking was unclear, so it was better to be straightforward.

Although this would probably make Meng Yingjie angry and he would never talk to her again. But. . . he shouldn't do anything retaliatory.

Wen Ruxi guessed that, according to Meng Yingjie's personality, if he was rejected, he would indeed be angry and cold, but if he deliberately found fault or used means behind her back, that was not his character.

After thinking about this, Wen Ruxi began to edit her statement.

Just before sending it, Wen Ruxi felt a very shallow emotion that was almost imperceptible.

Her eyelids twitched, and she felt a very subtle emotion, like reluctance.

What was she reluctant about? Wasn't this the thing she had always wanted to make clear?

Wen Ruxi didn't think about it anymore and sent the message. Meng Yingjie's phone vibrated again.

He immediately looked over and saw that it was a message from Wen Ruxi this time.

Dominant Alpha, Arrogant Omega [Female A, Male O] (ChatGPT Translated)Where stories live. Discover now