What's going on here

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What's going on here

It's been about a month since Donald Trump found those sexy, secret images on Joe Biden's laptop. Soon, Donald Trump found out that Joe Biden was just as big as a BL enjoyer as himself, and then they start to read and watch BL together. Every book,show, and movie they read and watch together only brings them closer together. Anyone in the White House can tell that they're getting along just fine, but do they know how they truly feel about each other? Some are getting hints, but are still very clueless. Others don't even realize how much they're getting along.

Donald Trump soon knows he is getting real feelings for Joe Biden, but knows that he also has a wife too

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Donald Trump soon knows he is getting real feelings for Joe Biden, but knows that he also has a wife too. He doesn't know what to do about his feelings. However Joe Biden doesn't care about his wife, he just wants to be with Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's Point of View
" I can't believe Joe Biden is really watching and reading BL with me! I had know idea he even liked this stuff! I didn't even know he read this stuff way before I even knew what this was! This is truly a dream come true for me. However I can't forget about my wife. What would my wife even think about this behavior? I feel like I'm going to have to let go of Joe Biden soon, because of my wife, everyone who works at and for the government, White House, everyone in the media, especially my fans, and even Joe Biden's wife. I don't know how long I can be with Joe Biden, before I have to leave him."

Joe Biden's Point of View "I can't believe Donald Trump is actually watching and reading BL with me! This is practically just a dream, but I wouldn't ever want to wake up from it! I just so dearly want to kiss him right now, but I know I can't

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Joe Biden's Point of View
"I can't believe Donald Trump is actually watching and reading BL with me! This is practically just a dream, but I wouldn't ever want to wake up from it! I just so dearly want to kiss him right now, but I know I can't. I feel as if our jobs, wives, the media, and our fans will just pull us away from each other. I'll just make the most of the time we have left together."

About a week later

So much has already happened between Joe and Donald, but what about Donald Trump's wife, Melania trump and Kamala Harris? Well, one day as Donald Trump is coming home to work he sees something that would make someone mad, but for him was a relief.

Donald Trump's Point of View
" I can't believe me and Joe and Joe Biden have been reading BL all day today." ( Donald Trump finally gets home to his house. He enters the house, and goes straight to his bedroom to read more BL. However there was a surprise there for him ) ( Trump gasped ) "Melania! And Kamala Harris!" ( Melania Trump and Kamala were both in the bed together kissing )

 However there was a surprise there for him ) ( Trump gasped ) "Melania! And Kamala Harris!" ( Melania Trump and Kamala were both in the bed together kissing )

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Donald Trump couldn't believe it, but he was happy about it. He knew now that his wife doesn't care about him anymore, he can be with Joe Biden. Donald Trump and Melania Trump didn't want people to know about what happened, so they kept it a secret.

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