What You Dress Up As On Halloween.

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1950s bad boy and diner girl.

Even though he was frozen during this time he learnt about this era and understood why you loved it immediately. The food, clothes, cars, styles, he loved it all. A lot of the other girls were giving you glares due to how hot Steve looked.


Mad scientist and assistant.

He loves this match massively as he's in his zone and well, let's just say he loves your outfit in-particular, no matter how many beautiful women went by, his eyes were on you.


The Mad Hatter and Alice.

It's simple, they're his favourite story book characters, he also loves how 'adorable' you look in the Alice outfit, let's just say he couldn't keep his hands off of you that night.


Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen.

He absolutely loves The Hunger Games, hence why you dressed up as these characters, but he literally had to beg you to do so seeing as your not really a fan, yet you still enjoyed being them.


Prince and princess.

To him, your his princess and to you, he's your prince, it's perfect for both of you. He even got a dress especially made for you on Asgard, he also got an outfit made for himself, which you found so sweet.



He had recently watched Dracula Untold and he loved it, also Only Lovers Left Alive which made his fall in love with vampires in the first place.


Fem!Peter pan and Tinkerbell.

its an adorable duo and you were both gushed with compliments from other people on how you outfits were brilliant and how did you make them but secretly Nat had gotten them made personally.



Your brother had recently given you a nerdy outfit and Bucky walked in on you trying it on, he immediately fell in love with it. He literally pestered you to go as nerds because he 'liked the idea' but really it was secretly turning him on.

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