Chapter 15: Not a word.

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Iyana's POV

I pull the blanket away from my body and open my eyes. My head feels really heavy so I'm guessing I cried myself to sleep. I can't believe I let Nkosinathi see me cry but I'm also glad he was there for me and put me on the bed and covered me with a blanket when he could have just left me crying. Maybe he is a good person under this annoying personality of his.

I get up and go to the bathroom to relieve myself. I flush the toilet and wash my hands while looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and i have eyebags underneath them. My whole face is puffy and red and it also has lines indicating that I was sleeping. I decide to do my face routine now so I can try and look better.

After my face routine i change into pjamas and i go downstairs. I find Mam Zodwa switching off the stove and i sit on the bar stools. "Why amehlo wakho abovu?" she asks. (Why are your eyes red?) "I was crying." I answer. "Why were you crying?" "I guess I had a break down. I haven't found the time to sit down and properly feel and that meeting with my parents just triggered things." "Speaking of which how did it go?"

"I decided to take your advice and not shut them out. You were right when you said I still need them. I can also see they are remorseful of their actions. I just hope that I don't regret forgiving them." I say. "Well they won't do anything now cause you already married so they can't force you to marry another one." she says and i laugh. "Wow ma you making fun of my life situation." She rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"I'm happy that things went well with the meeting." she says. "Me too but I'm scared. What if my heart doesn't forgive them? I have this tendency of saying yeah we can start afresh and I'll forgive you but then deep down inside my heart hasn't fully healed." I say. "That means you haven't truly forgiven those people. You can't force yourself to forgive all in the name of trying to keep the relationship going and not looking like a bad person in their eyes."

"But ma I need them." I say. "And I'm aware of that but you should prioritize yourself. Forgiveness comes from within. You only forgive when you know you ready to let go of the hurt and pain they caused you and you at that point where you ready to just forget. You can't rush or force forgiveness." she says. "Why aren't you a therapist or mentor?" "So I can spew peoples secrets, no thank you." I laugh. "So you telling people my secrets."

"Nope I would never do that to you. I'm just joking with the spewing of the secrets. I've never wanted to be one." she says. "Thank you ma for being there for me and welcoming me here and giving me good advice and last but not least for making good food." I say and she laughs. "It's okay mtanami. Now that you are Nkosinathi's wife you've become my child. I've been in his life since he was a baby." "So you were his parent's maid and then he decided to take you." "Nope it's a complicated story for another day." I nod my head.

Zanele comes in the room and i greet her but she ignores me. Her mom nudges her shoulder and she mumbles a greeting. "Uright?" I ask. "Ngiyaphila." she answers. Seeing that she doesn't want to talk to me I won't bother conversing with her either. I feel like she's avoiding me ukuthi for ini angazi nami but let me not stress about such, if she wants to tell me what her problem is with me she's more than welcome. (I also don't know.)

"Sowuqcedile ukupheka ma?" I ask. (Are you done cooking?)  "I'm almost done you can start setting up the table." she answers. I take out the plates, cutlery and place mats and set up the dining table. "Ukhiphe amakomishi nizophuzela kuwo." (Take out glasses you going to drink from.) "Okay ma." I take out the glasses and rinse them. "We drinking juice?" "Yeah." I take out orange juice from the fridge and pour it in the glasses.

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