Tom Kaulitz ~ Not a secret (Fluff)

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Y/n's pov:

Looking at my boyfriend on stage, he looked amazing. No one knew I was Toms girlfriend. He didn't want the media to get to me or the fan girls. I got his reason but I couldn't help thinking that he was ashamed of me.

The song finished and everyone went crazy. I smiled from back stage. I can't help it. He's so beautiful and his smile. They start the last song they were doing tonight but I've never heard this one before.

Bill looks at me with smile and I just look at him confused. The crowd were confused to but they went crazy over the new song.

Tom stopped playing his guitar for a second looking at me. Since I was back stage the crowd couldn't see me. The stage was built weirdly but the band could see me standing there.

His smile turned into a smirk, he kinda puts his guitar behind him and walks up to Bill saying something in his ear. Bill smiles widely and finishes the song.

Bill starts talking to the crowd with his thick accent "So, Tom has a special guest to introduce you guys to" Bill says looking my way.

I started to get nervous, What the hell are they doing. Georg and Gustav looks at me with the same confused expression that I had.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I'm taken out of my trans. Tom looks at me with a small smirk. "What are you doing?" He looks away then back at me "I'm tired of keeping you a secret, I'm really tired of guys flirting with you" I looked at him shocked.

"What about the girls and what about the media?!" He smiles softly "I don't care about that, people need to know who you belong to" My eyes widened and my jaw kinda dropped.

Tom takes my arm and pulls me on stage, I kinda got embarrassed because of what I was wearing. I didn't think that I would be in front of thousands of people.

Everyone was confused and I could see some of the girls glaring at me. Tom put his arm around my shoulder and looked at Bill. Bill looked so excited. I was breathing heavily, this was so nerve racking for no reason.

In one fast moment Toms lips were on mine, I was shocked at the sudden moment. He pulled away and walked up to the microphone that was a few feet away from us.

"I would like to introduce my girlfriend to everyone, Y/n come on" he said waving me over, my heart is now pounding in my chest.

"This is my girlfriend, Y/n" I awkwardly waved to the crowd. I saw a lot of confusion, sadness and happiness in the faces of the people in front of the stage.

A lot of people started clapping, a lot looking sad. A lot of girls cheered which caught me off guard but a lot of them yelled how lucky I was. And they were right I was lucky.

Tom smiled wildly and so did I, I expected worse than this. I felt relieved that we didn't have to hide this. I looked at Tom but he was already looking at me.

He turned fully towards me and kissed me again, this time I kissed back. The cheering got louder. It felt like fireworks were going off all over my body. We pulled away from each other Toms still holding my waist.

I looked behind me at Bill, he had a huge smile on his face and he ran up to me. Tom let go of my waist. I hugged Bill jumping up and down when we pulled away for each other.

Bill told the crowd goodnight and we all walked off stage. "Oh my god, that went great!" Bill said shaking me. "I know! I thought I would be killed the second I stepped on the stage" Bill and I laughed together at me comment.

Bill walked away and Tom turned me so I was facing him. He put his hands around my waist "That wasn't so bad now was it?" I laughed a bit looking down "Nope"

Tom pulled me closer his hands now squeezing my ass. I gasped and I then heard photo's being taken. The paparazzi got back stage and was now asking questions and taking photos.

I pulled away from Tom but not with out struggle. He didn't want to let go off me. Security got the Poparazzi away from us and we walked to the car.

(Let's pretend that ass is fat)

(Let's pretend that ass is fat)

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Tom Kaulitz's new girlfriend!!

I looked at the computer in front of me with wide eyes. Tom comes up from behind me, "Wow your ass looks amazing" I hit his arm and he rubs the spot.

The band was happy that they were performing in their hometown. So they could all stay at their own houses. Which I was in Tom's house.

He takes my hand and brings me to his bedroom laying me on the the bed. Then laying on me, I made a oof sound. "You know you don't get lighter each time you do this" Tom then looks at me with a grin and then moves more so his body is now fully on me.

He putts his face on my chest, then starts trying to lift my shirt. "Not tonight Tom" He whines and mumbles something that I can't hear I roll my eyes. I eventually start to feel tired and I slowly start to doze off.

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